Calibrated Photodiodes
- Si, Ge, and InGaAs Photodiodes Available
- NIST Traceable
- Photodiodes Shipped with Calibration Curves
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Mounted and Unmounted Detectors |
Unmounted Photodiodes (200 - 2600 nm) |
Calibrated Photodiodes (350 - 1800 nm) |
Mounted Photodiodes (200 - 1800 nm) |
Thermopile Detectors (0.2 - 15 µm) |
Photovoltaic Detectors (2.0 - 10.6 µm) |
Pigtailed Photodiodes (320 - 1000 nm) |
Thorlabs offers four photodiodes, with NIST traceable calibration, that ship from stock. These include one Indium Gallium Arsenide (InGaAs), two Silicon (Si), and one Germanium (Ge) photodiodes.
Calibration Features:
- Responsivity Measured Every 10 nm Over the Spectral Range of the Photodiode
- Measurement Uncertainty ±5%
- NIST Traceable
Each photodiode comes with its own data table and graph of the responsivity vs wavelength.
The responsivity of a particular photodiode varies from lot to lot. Due to this, the photodiode you receive may have a slightly different response than what is represented in the graphs in the info icons below, but will include calibration data. To the right, a graph for the FDS1010 photodiode shows how significantly you can expect the response to vary. Data was collected from 104 photodiodes. Minimum, Average, and Maximum responsivity was calculated at each data point and has been plotted.
Please note that inhomogeneities at the edges of the active area of the detector can generate unwanted capacitance and resistance effects that distort the time-domain response of the photodiode output. Thorlabs therefore recommends that the incident light on the photodiode is well centered on the active area. This can be accomplished by placing a focusing lens or pinhole in front of the detector element.
These photodiodes are calibrated with zero bias. We do not recommend reverse voltage biasing these photodiodes; doing so will increase the responsivity and void the calibration. For more information on voltage biasing as well as the noise floor, please see the Lab Facts tab.
Photodiode Tutorial
Theory of Operation
A junction photodiode is an intrinsic device that behaves similarly to an ordinary signal diode, but it generates a photocurrent when light is absorbed in the depleted region of the junction semiconductor. A photodiode is a fast, highly linear device that exhibits high quantum efficiency and may be used in a variety of different applications.
It is necessary to be able to correctly determine the level of the output current to expect and the responsivity based upon the incident light. Depicted in Figure 1 is a junction photodiode model with basic discrete components to help visualize the main characteristics and gain a better understanding of the operation of Thorlabs' photodiodes.
Figure 1: Photodiode Model
Photodiode Terminology
The responsivity of a photodiode can be defined as a ratio of generated photocurrent (IPD) to the incident light power (P) at a given wavelength:
Modes of Operation (Photoconductive vs. Photovoltaic)
A photodiode can be operated in one of two modes: photoconductive (reverse bias) or photovoltaic (zero-bias). Mode selection depends upon the application's speed requirements and the amount of tolerable dark current (leakage current).
In photoconductive mode, an external reverse bias is applied, which is the basis for our DET series detectors. The current measured through the circuit indicates illumination of the device; the measured output current is linearly proportional to the input optical power. Applying a reverse bias increases the width of the depletion junction producing an increased responsivity with a decrease in junction capacitance and produces a very linear response. Operating under these conditions does tend to produce a larger dark current, but this can be limited based upon the photodiode material. (Note: Our DET detectors are reverse biased and cannot be operated under a forward bias.)
In photovoltaic mode the photodiode is zero biased. The flow of current out of the device is restricted and a voltage builds up. This mode of operation exploits the photovoltaic effect, which is the basis for solar cells. The amount of dark current is kept at a minimum when operating in photovoltaic mode.
Dark Current
Dark current is leakage current that flows when a bias voltage is applied to a photodiode. When operating in a photoconductive mode, there tends to be a higher dark current that varies directly with temperature. Dark current approximately doubles for every 10 °C increase in temperature, and shunt resistance tends to double for every 6 °C rise. Of course, applying a higher bias will decrease the junction capacitance but will increase the amount of dark current present.
The dark current present is also affected by the photodiode material and the size of the active area. Silicon devices generally produce low dark current compared to germanium devices which have high dark currents. The table below lists several photodiode materials and their relative dark currents, speeds, sensitivity, and costs.
Material | Dark Current | Speed | Spectral Range | Cost |
Silicon (Si) | Low | High Speed | Visible to NIR | Low |
Germanium (Ge) | High | Low Speed | NIR | Low |
Gallium Phosphide (GaP) | Low | High Speed | UV to Visible | Moderate |
Indium Gallium Arsenide (InGaAs) | Low | High Speed | NIR | Moderate |
Indium Arsenide Antimonide (InAsSb) | High | Low Speed | NIR to MIR | High |
Extended Range Indium Gallium Arsenide (InGaAs) | High | High Speed | NIR | High |
Mercury Cadmium Telluride (MCT, HgCdTe) | High | Low Speed | NIR to MIR | High |
Junction Capacitance
Junction capacitance (Cj) is an important property of a photodiode as this can have a profound impact on the photodiode's bandwidth and response. It should be noted that larger diode areas encompass a greater junction volume with increased charge capacity. In a reverse bias application, the depletion width of the junction is increased, thus effectively reducing the junction capacitance and increasing the response speed.
Bandwidth and Response
A load resistor will react with the photodetector junction capacitance to limit the bandwidth. For best frequency response, a 50 Ω terminator should be used in conjunction with a 50 Ω coaxial cable. The bandwidth (fBW) and the rise time response (tr) can be approximated using the junction capacitance (Cj) and the load resistance (RLOAD):
Noise Equivalent Power
The noise equivalent power (NEP) is the input signal power that results in a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 1 in a 1 Hz output bandwidth. This is useful, as the NEP determines the ability of the detector to detect low level light. In general, the NEP increases with the active area of the detector and is given by the following equation:
Here, S/N is the Signal to Noise Ratio, Δf is the Noise Bandwidth, and Incident Energy has units of W/cm2. For more information on NEP, please see Thorlabs' Noise Equivalent Power White Paper.
Terminating Resistance
A load resistance is used to convert the generated photocurrent into a voltage (VOUT) for viewing on an oscilloscope:
Depending on the type of the photodiode, load resistance can affect the response speed. For maximum bandwidth, we recommend using a 50 Ω coaxial cable with a 50 Ω terminating resistor at the opposite end of the cable. This will minimize ringing by matching the cable with its characteristic impedance. If bandwidth is not important, you may increase the amount of voltage for a given light level by increasing RLOAD. In an unmatched termination, the length of the coaxial cable can have a profound impact on the response, so it is recommended to keep the cable as short as possible.
Shunt Resistance
Shunt resistance represents the resistance of the zero-biased photodiode junction. An ideal photodiode will have an infinite shunt resistance, but actual values may range from the order of ten Ω to thousands of MΩ and is dependent on the photodiode material. For example, and InGaAs detector has a shunt resistance on the order of 10 MΩ while a Ge detector is in the kΩ range. This can significantly impact the noise current on the photodiode. For most applications, however, the high resistance produces little effect and can be ignored.
Series Resistance
Series resistance is the resistance of the semiconductor material, and this low resistance can generally be ignored. The series resistance arises from the contacts and the wire bonds of the photodiode and is used to mainly determine the linearity of the photodiode under zero bias conditions.
Common Operating Circuits
Figure 2: Reverse-Biased Circuit (DET Series Detectors)
The DET series detectors are modeled with the circuit depicted above. The detector is reverse biased to produce a linear response to the applied input light. The amount of photocurrent generated is based upon the incident light and wavelength and can be viewed on an oscilloscope by attaching a load resistance on the output. The function of the RC filter is to filter any high-frequency noise from the input supply that may contribute to a noisy output.
Figure 3: Amplified Detector Circuit
One can also use a photodetector with an amplifier for the purpose of achieving high gain. The user can choose whether to operate in Photovoltaic of Photoconductive modes. There are a few benefits of choosing this active circuit:
- Photovoltaic mode: The circuit is held at zero volts across the photodiode, since point A is held at the same potential as point B by the operational amplifier. This eliminates the possibility of dark current.
- Photoconductive mode: The photodiode is reversed biased, thus improving the bandwidth while lowering the junction capacitance. The gain of the detector is dependent on the feedback element (Rf). The bandwidth of the detector can be calculated using the following:
where GBP is the amplifier gain bandwidth product and CD is the sum of the junction capacitance and amplifier capacitance.
Effects of Chopping Frequency
The photoconductor signal will remain constant up to the time constant response limit. Many detectors, including PbS, PbSe, HgCdTe (MCT), and InAsSb, have a typical 1/f noise spectrum (i.e., the noise decreases as chopping frequency increases), which has a profound impact on the time constant at lower frequencies.
The detector will exhibit lower responsivity at lower chopping frequencies. Frequency response and detectivity are maximized for
This tab contains a collection of experiments performed at Thorlabs regarding the performance of photodiodes we offer. Each section is its own independent experiment, which can be viewed by clicking in the appropriate box below. Photodiode Saturation Limit and Noise Floor explores how different conditions, including temperature, resistivity, reverse-bias voltage, responsivity, and system bandwidth, can affect noise in a photodiode's output. Photodiode Spatial Uniformity explores variations in the responsivity as a small-diameter light beam is scanned across the active area of the photodiode. Photodiodes with different material compositions are tested, and eight units of one silicon-based model are tested to investigate unit-to-unit variations. Dark Current as a Function of Temperature and Noise Equivalent Power (NEP) as a Function of Temperature describe how dark current and NEP, respectively, vary with temperature and how measurements are affected. Beam Size and Photodiode Saturation shows how the photodiode saturation point changes with the incident beam size and investigates several models to explain the results. Bias Voltage examines the effects of incident power on the effective reverse bias voltage of a photodiode circuit and verifies a reliable model for predicting those changes.
Photodiode Saturation Limit and Noise Floor
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Figure 1. Overview of the Photodiode's Response Curve,
Highlighting the Saturation Limit and the Noise Floor
We present laboratory measurements of the saturation limit and noise floor of a Thorlabs silicon photodiode. While all photodiodes function similarly, there are a number of parameters that affect the noise floor and saturation limit of a photodiode including the sensor temperature, resistivity, reverse bias voltage, responsivity, and system bandwidth. Here we investigated the effect of reverse bias voltage and load resistance within a silicon-based photodiode detection system. Increasing the reverse bias increased the saturation limit and had minimal effect on the noise floor. Decreasing the load resistance decreased the noise floor until reaching the noise of the measurement system, but also decreased the saturation limit. These results demonstrate some of the considerations necessary for choosing the reverse bias voltage and load resistance, and emphasize that noise sources within all of the components must be considered when creating a detection system.
For our experiment we used the FDS100 Si Photodiode as the photodiode under investigation. The collimated output of a fiber-pigtailed laser diode was used as the light source with output power from 0 to 50 mW. The collimated beam was incident upon a beamsplitter that transmitted the majority of the light to the photodiode under investigation and reflected the rest towards a reference power sensor. The photodiode response was then evaluated under various resistive loads and with different reverse bias voltages.
The plots to the right and below summarize the measured results for the various tested configurations. From these graphs the changes to the photodiode's linear response, noise floor, and saturation limit can be observed under different reverse voltage biases and load resistances. Figure 1 provides an overview of the photodiode response with a reverse voltage bias of 5 V and resistive load of 10 kΩ. The photodiode saturated at the upper limit of the response when the output photovoltage approached the reverse bias voltage. The noise floor at the lower limit of the response was a result of dark current and the thermal noise from the resistive load (Johnson noise). Figure 2 summarizes the results obtained using the photodiode with a 1 kΩ resistive load and various reverse bias voltages. It illustrates that the saturation limit can be raised by increasing the reverse bias voltage (within specification). Figure 3 summarizes the results from using the photodiode with a 5 V reverse bias voltage and various resistive loads. It illustrates that the slope of the photovoltage response increased as the load resistance was increased. Figure 4 summarizes the noise floor results obtained using a 0 V reverse bias voltage and various resistive loads. The noise floor increased when larger load resistances were used. It is important to note that the 1 kΩ data was measured above the theoretical Johnson noise due to the voltage noise within the measurement system. Minimal change in the overall noise floor was seen when using a 5 V reverse bias voltage. For details on the experimental setup employed and these summarized results, please click here.
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Figure 2. Photovoltage Dependence on Reverse Bias Voltage
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Figure 4. Noise Floor with Various Resistive Loads
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Figure 3. Response with Various Resistive Loads
Photodiode Spatial Uniformity
Figure 1: Responsivity, which describes the relationship between the strength of the photocurrent output by the photodetector and the optical power in the incident beam, is dependent on the wavelength of the incident light.
Do all regions of a photodiode's active area have the same responsivity?
The output signal strength from a photodetector is significantly affected by the optical power and wavelength of the incident light. A measure of this relationship is responsivity, which is the magnitude of the output photocurrent divided by the optical power of the incident light. While responsivity has units of ampere per watt, it also varies with wavelength. Often overlooked is that responsivity can also vary as different regions of the photodiode's active area are illuminated.
This work investigated the change in photodetector response as a light beam, with a diameter that was small in comparison to the active area of the photodiode, was scanned across the active area. A selection photodetectors, based on mounted gallium phosphide (GaP), silicon (Si), indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs), or germanium (Ge) photodiodes, were tested.
Responsivity is Wavelength Dependent1,2
One reason responsivity varies with respect to wavelength is the relationship among optical power, wavelength, and photo-generated electrons. A light beam illuminating a surface provides an optical power equal to the energy in the beam divided by the time the surface was illuminated. The energy in a single-wavelength beam equals the number of incident photons times the energy of a single photon. Decreasing the wavelength of the light increases the energy of the photons. If the wavelength is decreased, but the optical power is kept the same, there are fewer incident photons.
A single photon can generate no more than a single electron of photocurrent in these photodetectors. Due to this, reducing the wavelength of the incident light while holding its optical power constant results in a reduced photocurrent. Since responsivity relates the output photocurrent to the incident optical power, instead of to the number of incident photons per unit time, responsivity is lower at lower wavelengths. The responsivity curves plotted in Figure 1 are examples showing responsivity increasing with wavelength.
The upper wavelength of a photodetector's responsivity is limited by inherent properties of the semiconductor material. In order for an incident photon to contribute to the photocurrent, the photon must have enough energy to free an electron from its bonds to its host atom. Photons with wavelengths above the upper wavelength limit do not have enough energy. The semiconductor material composing the photodiode determines the wavelength of this limit.
Response May Vary as Different Regions of the Photodiode's Active Area are Illuminated1,2
An electron that has escaped the bonds of its host atom by absorbing the energy of a photon is a photo-generated electron. A photo-generated electron contributes to the photocurrent only if the electron is able to successfully travel from where it was generated, across the semiconductor material, and to an electrical contact. A photo-generated electron does not contribute to the photocurrent if it is re-absorbed by the semiconductor material before reaching a contact, which is a more likely outcome if the electron encounters a defect.
Defects are places where the semiconductor's crystal lattice is not perfect. These locations include dislocations, impurities, and voids in the crystal lattice. The external surfaces of a real crystal with finite dimensions are also imperfections, since a perfect crystal is infinite in length, height, and width. Defects in the semiconductor crystal absorb photo-generated electrons at a high rate and turn their kinetic energy into heat, rather than allow the electrons to contribute to the photocurrent.
Electrons generated near defects are more likely to be re-absorbed and less likely to contribute to the photocurrent. While the density of defects in a semiconductor can be minimized, the semiconductor crystals used in photodiodes are not perfect. It is also not unusual for the density of defects to vary throughout the volume of the semiconductor crystal, as well as for the growth of some semiconductor materials to be more prone to forming defects than others.
If the density of defects varies throughout the volume of the semiconductor material, the magnitude of the photocurrent generated within each region would be expected to be different. Since the photodetector's responsivity depends on the magnitude of photocurrent, a varying density of defects would result in the responsivity changing as different locations on the photodetector are illuminated. This effect was investigated using the procedure described in the following section.
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Figure 2: The setup used to measure the change in response across the active area of each photodiode included: a reflective collimator (A), an achromatic doublet lens (B) , vertically-mounted linear translation stage (C), the photodetector under test (D), and two horizontally-mounted translation stages (E) of which one is visible.
Experimental Setup and Results
Measurement Objectives
Several photodetectors were tested to investigate the uniformity of the responsivity across their active areas. The spatially dependent responsivities of one GaP-based, four Si-based, two InGaAs-based, and two Ge-based photodetectors were measured at selected wavelengths. Testing was conducted to investigate the spatial uniformity of the responsivity of:
- All nine photodetector models at a wavelength close to the wavelength of peak responsivity. (Results contained in the first expandable table below.)
- A Si-based, an InGaAs-based, and a Ge-based photodetector at three different wavelengths. (Results contained in the second expandable table below.)
- Eight different units of a single Si-based photodetector model at a wavelength close to the wavelength of peak responsivity. (Results contained in the third expandable table below.)
Experimental Setup (Components Labeled in Figure 2 are Labeled in the Following)
The experimental setup consisted of a light source (not shown) that was fiber-coupled to an RC12APC-P01 collimator (A), which was installed in a KM100T kinematic mount. An AC254-150-A achromatic doublet lens with a 150 mm focal length (B), which was installed in a ST1XY-D mount, focused the light on the active area of the photodetector (D), which was mounted with the help of a KB1P magnetic quick-release carriage set. Other components in the vertical arm included a previous-generation LTS150 motorized linear translation stage (C), an XT66P1 vertical mounting plate, an XT66-500 66 mm construction rail, and four XT66C4 clamping platforms. The components in the horizontal arm included two previous-generation LNR50S motorized linear translation stages (E), an LNR50P3 XY adapter plate, a baseplate, and two BSC201 closed-loop stepper motor controllers (not shown), which scanned the beam across the active area of the photodetector (D). Most light sources were products from our Superluminescent Diode series. The exception was the 405 nm light source, which was an S3FC405 benchtop laser source.
The diameter of the beam was scaled according to the active area of the photodetector, so that approximately 3600 measurements were taken in a 60 x 60 grid across the surface of each photodiode. The beam diameter used for each photodiode was between 50 µm and 500 µm, and the size used to make a particular measurement is included in the notes that accompany each plot in the following expandable tables. To view this information, click on the plot of interest.
During the scan, the position of the beam remained stationary, and the two LNR50S motorized stages were used to translate the photodetector in the two directions perpendicular to the optic axis. To ensure that the entire active area of the photodetector was tested, the dimensions of the scan area exceeded the dimensions of the active area.
No reverse bias voltage was applied to any of the photodiodes during this investigation.
Results (Click More [+] to Expand the Following Tables, and Click Less [-] to Hide Them)
The measurement data were normalized and then plotted with respect to the measurement position. The data in each measurement set were normalized with respect to the value at the center of the active area, which resulted in plots that show the variation of the responsivity across each photodetector's active area and allow the results from these nine different photodetector models to be compared. The plotted data were also processed to remove data points with values indistinguishable from noise. This was done to eliminate data points corresponding to measurements made outside of the active area of each photodetector. However, this approach also removed some measurements made within, but close to, the outer edges of the active areas. The lower photocurrent generated by these regions may have been due to the beam spot partially illuminating regions outside of the active area, as well as photocurrent suppressed by a higher density of defects near the edges.
The plots can be revealed by expanding the following tables. Each plot includes a dashed outline surrounding the central 90% of the active area of the photodiode. Under general use, the light beam should remain within this central 90% region to avoid edge effects. Click on each plot to reveal information about the active area of the photodiode and the size of the beam scanned across the active area.
Since these photodetectors represent a small sample size, these measurements are representative of the other photodetectors of its model, but results obtained using other units of the same model may vary. The measurements acquired for these photodetector units were repeatable, but no two semiconductor crystals are identical and unit-to-unit variations should be expected. The following tables show that:
- First Table: The variations of the responsivities across the active areas of the Ge-based and GaP-based photodetectors are greater than the variations of the responsivities across the active areas of the Si-based and InGaAs-based photodetectors. This suggests the defect densities of the Si-based and InGaAs-based semiconductor materials are more uniform than the defect densities of the Ge-based and GaP-based semiconductor materials.
- Second Table: The variations of the responsivities across the active areas of a Si-based, an InGaAs-based, and a Ge-based photodetector change with wavelength. For each photodetector, the minimum spatial variations of the responsivity occurred when the wavelength of light was near the wavelength of the peak value of responsivity.
- Third Table: Eight units of a single Si-based photodetector model had similar variations of spatial uniformity across their active areas.
1) All Nine Photodetectors: Uniformity of Response to Light with Near Peak Responsivity Wavelength |
Photodetector Measured | Plot of Response Across the Sensor Area to Light of the Indicated Wavelength | Typical Responsivity Plots Measurement Wavelength Indicated |
GaP-Based Photodetector SM05PD7A: Mounted Photodiode FGAP71 |
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Si-Based Photodetectors SM05PD2A: Mounted Photodiode FDS010 and SM1PD2A |
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Si-Based Photodetectors SM05PD1A: Mounted Photodiode FDS100 and SM1PD1A: Mounted Photodiode FDS1010 |
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InGaAs-Based Photodetectors SM05PD5A: Mounted Photodiode FGA21 and SM05PD4A: Mounted Photodiode FGA10 |
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Ge-Based Photodetectors SM05PD6A: Mounted Photodiode FDG1010 and SM1PD5A: Mounted Photodiode FDG03 |
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2) Selected Si-, InGaAs-, and Ge-Based Photodetectors: Uniformity of Response of Each to Three Different Wavelengths of Light |
Photodetector | Plots of Response Across the Sensor Area to Light of the Indicated Wavelengths | Typical Responsivity Plots Measurement Wavelengths Indicated |
Si-Based Photodetector SM1PD1A: Mounted Photodiode FDS1010 |
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InGaAs-Based Photodetector SM05PD5A: Mounted Photodiode FGA21 |
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Ge-Based Photodetector SM1PD5A: Mounted Photodiode FDG1010 |
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3) Eight Si-Based SM1PD2A Photodetectors: Uniformity of Response to Light Near Peak Responsivity Wavelength Compared |
Eight different Si-based SM1PD2A photodetectors were measured to compare the unit-to-unit variation of the response across the active area. Measurements were performed using 830 nm light, which is close to the wavelength of peak responsivity, as is indicted on the plot on the left. |
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[1] G. P. Agrawal, Fiber-Optic Communication Systems, 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1997. (Particularly Chapter 4)
[2] A. Rogalski, K. Adamiec, and J. Rutkowski, Narrow-Gap Semiconductor Photodiodes, SPIE Press, Bellingham, WA, 2000.
Dark Current as a Function of Temperature
Measurements of dark current as a function of temperature were acquired for several unmounted photodetectors. As is described in the following section, dark current is a relatively small electrical current that flows in p-n junction photodetectors when no light is incident on the detector. Measurements were taken for silicon (Si), germanium (Ge), gallium phosphide (GaP), and indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) reverse-biased photodiodes over temperatures from 25 °C to approximately 55 °C.
Figure 1: Current-Voltage Characteristic of a P-N Junction
Current-Voltage Characteristics of p-n Junction Photodiodes
The characteristic current-voltage relationship of p-n junction photodiodes, as diagrammed in Figure 1, possesses forward-biased and reverse-biased voltage regimes. In the reverse-biased voltage regime, in which p-n junction photodiodes are operated, a potential difference applied across the diode resists the flow of current. Ideally, if no light is incident on a reverse-biased photodiode, no current flows.
Under real-world conditions, random processes in the semiconductor material of the photodiode always generates current carriers (electrons and holes) that produce current. These current generation processes are not driven by the photogeneration of electrons and holes. Instead, they are largely driven by the thermal energy contained in the semiconductor material.[1] This dark current is generally small, but it is present when the photodiode is reverse biased and not illuminated. Dark current magnitudes vary for photodiodes of different material compositions; the efficiencies of the thermal generation processes depend on the type and crystal quality of the semiconductor used in the detector's sensing head. The magnitude of the dark current can be expected to increase as the temperature of the photodiode increases.
When a photodiode is illuminated, the current generated by the incident light adds to the dark current. The carriers in the photocurrent are generated by the energy contained in the photons of the incident light. Above a certain illumination threshold intensity, the magnitude of the photocurrent exceeds the magnitude of the dark current. When the photocurrent is larger than the dark current, the magnitude of the photocurrent can be calculated by measuring the total current and then subtracting the contribution of the dark current. When the photocurrent is smaller than the dark current, the photocurrent is undetectable. Because of this, it is desirable to minimize the levels of dark current in photodiodes.
For convenience, both dark current and photocurrent are discussed as being independent of voltage over a range of voltages when the photodiode is reverse biased; however, the current flowing in real-world reverse-biased photodetectors is not completely independent of voltage over any voltage range. Regardless of whether the diode is illuminated, the current will increase as the magnitude of the reverse-bias voltage increases. In addition, if the reverse-bias voltage is increased beyond a certain threshold, the photodiode will suffer reverse breakdown, in which the magnitude of the current increases exponentially and permanent damage to the diode is likely.
Experiment: Dark Currents Measured for Packaged Photodiodes
Dark currents were measured over temperatures of 25 °C to approximately 55 °C for four representative unpackaged photodiodes: the Si-based FDS1010, the Ge-based FDG50, the GaP-based FGAP71 (previous generation), and the InGaAs-based FGA10.
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Figure 2: The Nested Metal Box Test Fixture with Covers Removed and FGA10 Installed
Black insulating foam lines the interiors of both boxes.
A: Thermistor; B: FGA10; C: BNC-to-BNC Feedthrough; D: Outer Box; E: Inner Box; F: BNC-to-Triax Feedthrough; G: BNC-to-BNC Feedthrough
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Figure 4: An electrical circuit that included a resistive foil heater, TED8040 temperature controller, and two rectifying diodes controlled current flow through the resistive current heater as described in the text.
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Figure 3: The Test Setup
The custom-built temperature chamber is on the top of the cart, and the temperature control instrumentation that includes the PRO8000 and TED8040 cards is on the cart's lower shelf.
Experimental Setup
The experimental setup was designed to ensure a constant reverse-bias voltage across the photodiode, control the temperature of the detector, block light from reaching the detector, and establish an electrical path between the detector and the Keithley 6487 ammeter that isolated the measured current from extraneous electromagnetic interference (EMI) noise sources. Dark currents for these detectors can be on the order of nA, which made it important to control these conditions to ensure accurate measurements.
The detector enclosure consisted of a pair of nested aluminum metal boxes, which are shown with their covers off in Figure 2. Only one box would be required to create a light-tight environment for the photodiode, but an outer box was included in the setup to shield the inner box from EMI. The detector was placed inside the inner box, and it was electrically connected to the Keithley 6487 ammeter. The ammeter provided the required 5 V reverse-bias and received the output current signal. The electrical signals between the ammeter and the photodiode were routed through the two boxes using a combination of cables and feedthroughs. The 5 V bias voltage was connected to the photodiode using coax cables and BNC-to-BNC feedthroughs in the walls of both metal boxes. The current signal from the photodiode was connected to the BNC end of a BNC-to-Triax feedthrough integrated into the wall of the inner box. The signal was then routed through the outer box and to the Keithley 6487 using triax cables and a Triax-to-Triax feedthrough in the outer box. Triax cables were used because coax cables are poorly shielded, and using a coax cable to route the signal to the ammeter could introduce noise from EMI sources to the signal read from the detector. As the outer box shields the inner box from EMI, the noise introduced on the signal as it travels from the detector to the BNC-to-Triax feedthrough is mitigated.
Thermistors were used to monitor the temperatures of each photodiode continuously during the experiment. A piece of thermal tape was used to hold the thermistor flush against the TO cans of the FDG50, FGAP71, and the FGA10 during testing. The photosensor of the FDS1010 is mounted on a ceramic substrate, and when it was tested the thermistor was taped to the back of the substrate. The electrical connection between the thermistor and TSP01 temperature logger was performed using BNC cables, BNC-to-BNC bulkhead feedthroughs to route the signal out of the nested boxes, and a custom BNC-to-phono jack cable to connect to the temperature logger.
A custom temperature chamber based on a XE25C9 standard enclosure was used to conduct these tests. It is shown on top of the cart in Figure 3. The enclosure had a floor and four walls, and insulation was attached to all inner and outer surfaces. A lid for the enclosure was fashioned from a sheet of hardboard bordered with XE25 rails, and insulation was attached to the inner surface of the hardboard. Six resistive foil heaters were affixed to the walls of the XE25C9 enclosure, and they were driven using the PRO8000 fitted with six TED8040 thermoelectric cooler (TEC) controller cards placed on the bottom shelf of the cart in Figure 3. Each TED8040 was interfaced with a heater and a thermistor installed in the chamber. The reading from the thermistor determined the current sent to drive the heater. The chamber was not actively cooled; cooling was instead performed by withdrawing the current driving the heaters and, as an option, opening the lid of the chamber.
The TED8040 units are designed to be interfaced with TECs, which produce heat when current flows in one direction, and which provide cooling when the current flows in the opposite direction. Because of this, when the enclosure exceeded the setpoint temperature, the TED8040 units in this experimental setup did not cut off the driving current. They instead reversed the current flow in an effort to produce cooling. In contrast to TECs, resistive foil heaters generate heat regardless of the direction of current flowing through them. In order to divert the driving current from the heaters, an electrical circuit, diagrammed in Figure 4, that included two rectifying diodes was designed and implemented. Rectifying diodes allow current to flow only in one direction. When the temperature reading from the thermistor was lower than the setpoint temperature, current flowed in the direction of the red arrows and through the resistive heater, and heat was generated. When the temperature of the enclosure exceeded the setpoint temperature, the TED8040 controllers reversed the direction of the current, so that it flowed in the direction of the blue arrows. Under this condition, the circuit diverted the current from the heaters and the chamber was allowed to cool.
Experimental Results
The data curves plotted in Figure 5 are the dark currents measured for the Si-based FDS1010, the Ge-based FDG50, the GaP-based FGAP71, and the InGaAs-based FGA10. Data were acquired continuously while the temperature was between 25 °C and 55 °C (shaded region of Figure 6). Figure 6 is representative of the temperature measured at the photodiode during the experiment. The temperature profile included an initial segment of increasing temperature, followed by a soak that allowed the photodiode to reach the maximum temperature, and concluded with a cool-down. The data plotted in Figure 5 include all dark current measurements measured between 25 °C and 55 °C; current measurements taken at the same temperature, but at different times, overlay one another for each diode.
The data curves plotted in Figure 5 show that the measured dark current magnitudes differed depending on the material composing the photodiode. From lowest to highest:
- GaP-Based Detector FGAP71 (Lowest Dark Current)
- InGaAs-Based Detector FGA10
- Si-Based Detector FDS1010
- Ge-Based Detector FDG50 (Highest Dark Current)
These span approximately 6 orders of magnitude. In all cases, the dark current increased with the temperature of the photodiode, as expected. The individual points on this graph, plotted as diamonds, are the values of the dark current specified for each detector at 25 °C. These points specify a maximum value of dark current at 25 °C; each diode's dark current must be equal to or less than this value at 25 °C, but the dark current may exceed this specification at higher temperatures, as is the case for all but the measured FDS1010 detector.
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Figure 5: Dark Current Data Measured for Four Unmounted Photodiodes
The discrete data points, plotted as diamonds, are values of the dark current specified for each detector at 25 °C.
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Figure 6: Temperature of a Representative Photodiode Controlled by the Conditions in the Environmental Chamber
Dark current measurements were acquired between 25 °C and 55 °C (indicated by the shaded region) and are plotted in Figure 5 .
Experimental Limitations
Measurements were performed using a single representative of each detector type, as these data were intended to illustrate overall trends. These data should not be taken as specific for a particular diode. The measured dark current is a function of voltage bias, temperature dependence of resistive loads, and other effects. Efforts were made to suppress their influence on these measurements, including using the Keithley 6487 ammeter to provide the required 5 V reverse bias. Using the ammeter removed the need to use a load resisitor, which may exhibit its own temperature dependence. The thermistor was placed as close to the semiconductor sensor as was possible, but it was not placed in direct contact with the sensor. Because of this, there may have been a difference between the measured temperature and the temperature of the semiconductor material. The dark current was measured while the temperature of the environmental chamber was continuously varied. Humidity was not controlled during this experiment.
[1] J. Liu, Photonic Devices. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2005
Noise Equivalent Power (NEP) as a Function of Temperature
Noise Equivalent Power (NEP) was determined as a function of temperature for several unmounted photodetectors. As is described in the following section, NEP is a common metric used to describe the minimum sensitivity of a photodetector. Measurements were taken for silicon (Si), germanium (Ge), gallium phosphide (GaP), and indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) reverse-biased photodiodes over temperatures from 25 °C to approximately 55 °C.
Noise Equivalent Power
The most general definition of NEP is "the input signal power that results in a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 1 in a 1 Hz output bandwidth." [1] Therefore, in order to determine the NEP, the minimum noise of the photodiode must be determined. When the optical signal is blocked, noise is still present, which is generated by the detector itself. There are two main contributors to photodiode noise: the shot noise due to dark current and thermal noise due to the shunt resistance.
Dark current is a relatively small electric current present in photosensitive devices that flows through the device, including when there is no incident light. More information on the dark current can be found in the "Dark Current as a Function of Temperature" section above. Shot noise is due to the quantized nature of the charge carriers. For the case where there is no light incident on the detector, it can be calculated from the dark current of the detector using the equation [2]
where is is the shot noise, Id is the dark current, q is the electron charge, and fBW is the bandwidth, which will be set to 1 Hz to allow for comparison between different photodiodes.
Thermal, or Johnson, noise is due to the random thermal motion of the charge carriers. Thermal noise will be generated only by the resistive elements of the system. For the photodiode detector, the shunt resistance needs to be considered. Shunt resistance is the resistance of the zero-biased photodiode p-n junction; put another way, it is the inverse of the slope of the I-V curve at the zero-voltage point. Since it is difficult to correctly calculate the slope at the zero crossing, the generally accepted industry practice is to measure the current at V = ±10 mV and then calculate the slope. Then the thermal noise due to the shunt resistance, RSH, can be expressed as:
where it is the thermal noise (expressed as a current), kB is Boltzmann's constant, T is temperature, RSH is shunt resistance, and fBW is the bandwidth.
The total noise, itotal, is the quadrature sum of all noise sources:
Note that this result is the total noise expressed for the current output of the photodiode, while the NEP is expressed in terms of incident optical power. Thus, to compare with the NEP specifications a typical responsivity value,, is chosen for the specified wavelength:
Also, to allow for comparison between different diodes, we set the bandwidth to 1 Hz for the calculation.
Experiment: Dark Current and Shunt Resistance Measurements
NEP was determined over 25 to 55 °C for four representative unpackaged photodiodes: the Si-based FDS1010, the Ge-based FDG50, the GaP-based FGAP71 (previous generation), and the InGaAs-based FGA10.
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Figure 1: The nested metal box test fixture with covers removed and FGA10 installed.
Black insulating foam lines the interiors of both boxes.
A: Thermistor; B: FGA10; C: BNC-to-BNC Feedthrough; D: Outer Box; E: Inner Box; F: BNC-to-Triax Feedthrough; G: BNC-to-BNC Feedthrough
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Figure 3: An electrical circuit that included a resistive foil heater, TED8040 temperature controller, and two rectifying diodes controlled current flow through the resistive current heater as described in the text.
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Figure 2: The Test Setup
The custom-built temperature chamber is on the top of the cart, and the temperature control instrumentation that includes the PRO8000 and TED8040 cards is on the cart's lower shelf.
Experimental Setup
The experimental setup was designed to ensure a constant reverse-bias voltage across the photodiode, control the temperature of the detector, block light from reaching the detector, and establish an electrical path between the detector and the Keithley 6487 ammeter that isolated the measured current from extraneous electromagnetic interference (EMI) noise sources. Dark currents for these detectors can be on the order of nA, which made it important to control these conditions to ensure accurate measurements.
The detector enclosure consisted of a pair of nested aluminum metal boxes, which are shown with their covers off in Figure 1. Only one box would be required to create a light-tight environment for the photodiode, but an outer box was included in the setup to shield the inner box from EMI. The detector was placed inside the inner box, and it was electrically connected to the Keithley 6487 ammeter. The ammeter provided the required reverse-bias voltage and received the output current signal. The electrical signals between the ammeter and the photodiode were routed through the two boxes using a combination of cables and feedthroughs. The bias voltage was connected to the photodiode using coax cables and BNC-to-BNC feedthroughs in the walls of both metal boxes. The current signal from the photodiode was connected to the BNC end of a BNC-to-Triax feedthrough integrated into the wall of the inner box. The signal was then routed through the outer box and to the Keithley 6487 using triax cables and a Triax-to-Triax feedthrough in the outer box. Triax cables were used because coax cables are poorly shielded, and using a coax cable to route the signal to the ammeter could introduce noise from EMI sources to the signal read from the detector. As the outer box shields the inner box from EMI, the noise introduced on the signal as it travels from the detector to the BNC-to-Triax feedthrough is mitigated.
For dark current measurements, the bias voltage was set to 5 V. In order to calculate the shunt resistance, measurements of the current were made with the bias voltage set to +10 mV and -10 mV.
Thermistors were used to monitor the temperatures of each photodiode continuously during the experiment. A piece of thermal tape was used to hold the thermistor flush against the TO cans of the FDG50, FGAP71, and the FGA10 during testing. The photosensor of the FDS1010 is mounted on a ceramic substrate, and when it was tested the thermistor was taped to the back of the substrate. The electrical connection between the thermistor and TSP01 temperature logger was performed using BNC cables, BNC-to-BNC bulkhead feedthroughs to route the signal out of the nested boxes, and a custom BNC-to-phono jack cable to connect to the temperature logger.
A custom temperature chamber based on a XE25C9 standard enclosure was used to conduct these tests. It is shown on top of the cart in Figure 3. The enclosure had a floor and four walls, and insulation was attached to all inner and outer surfaces. A lid for the enclosure was fashioned from a sheet of hardboard bordered with XE25 rails, and insulation was attached to the inner surface of the hardboard. Six resistive foil heaters were affixed to the walls of the XE25C9 enclosure, and they were driven using the PRO8000 chassis fitted with six TED8040 thermoelectric cooler (TEC) controller cards placed on the bottom shelf of the cart in Figure 2. Each TED8040 was interfaced with a heater and a thermistor installed in the chamber. The reading from the thermistor determined the current sent to drive the heater. The chamber was not actively cooled; cooling was instead performed by withdrawing the current driving the heaters and, as an option, opening the lid of the chamber.
The TED8040 units are designed to be interfaced with TECs, which produce heat when current flows in one direction, and which provide cooling when the current flows in the opposite direction. Because of this, when the enclosure exceeded the setpoint temperature, the TED8040 units in this experimental setup did not cut off the driving current. They instead reversed the current flow in an effort to produce cooling. In contrast to TECs, resistive foil heaters generate heat regardless of the direction of current flowing through them. In order to divert the driving current from the heaters, an electrical circuit, diagrammed in Figure 3, that included two rectifying diodes was designed and implemented. Rectifying diodes allow current to flow only in one direction. When the temperature reading from the thermistor was lower than the setpoint temperature, current flowed in the direction of the red arrows and through the resistive heater, and heat was generated. When the temperature of the enclosure exceeded the setpoint temperature, the TED8040 controllers reversed the direction of the current, so that it flowed in the direction of the blue arrows. Under this condition, the circuit diverted the current from the heaters and the chamber was allowed to cool.
Experimental Results
The data curves plotted in Figure 4 are the dark currents measured for the Si-based FDS1010, the Ge-based FDG50, the GaP-based FGAP71, and the InGaAs-based FGA10. Figure 5 shows the calculated shunt resistance values for the same diodes as Figure 4. Data were acquired continuously while the temperature was between 25 °C and 55 °C (shaded region of Figure 7). Figure 7 is representative of the temperature measured at the photodiode during the experiment. The temperature profile included an initial segment of increasing temperature, followed by a soak that allowed the photodiode to reach the maximum temperature, and concluded with a cool-down. The data plotted in Figures 4 and 5 include all dark current measurements measured between approximately 25 °C and 55 °C; current measurements taken at the same temperature, but at different times, overlay one another for each diode.
As shown in Figure 5, the shunt resistance for the measured GaP, InGaAs, and Si detectors is relatively large; therefore in many situations it can be ignored. For the Ge-based FDG50 the shunt resistance is relatively low, especially at higher temperatures. For this diode the shunt resistance might need to be considered if there is a high load involved.
Figure 6 shows the calculated NEP vs. temperature for each diode. Since the NEP is a function of responsivity, which varies with wavelength, the NEP values are calculated at the peak responsivity value as given in the table to the right.
Responsivity Used for NEP Calculation | |
FGA10 | 1.05 A/W @ 1550 nm |
FDG50 | 0.85 A/W @ 1550 nm |
FGAP71 | 0.12 A/W @ 440 nm |
FDS1010 | 0.725 A/W @ 970 nm |
The data curves plotted in Figure 6 show that the calculated NEP magnitudes differed depending on the material composing the photodiode. From lowest to highest:
- GaP-Based Detector FGAP71 (Lowest NEP)
- InGaAs-Based Detector FGA10
- Si-Based Detector FDS1010
- Ge-Based Detector FDG50 (Highest NEP)
These span approximately 6 orders of magnitude. In all cases, the dark current increased with the temperature of the photodiode, as expected. The individual points on this graph, plotted as diamonds, are the values of the dark current specified for each detector at 25 °C. These points specify a maximum value of dark current at 25 °C; each diode's dark current and NEP must be equal to or less than this value at 25 °C, but the dark current and NEP may exceed this specification at higher temperatures.
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Figure 4: Dark Current Data Measured for Four Unmounted Photodiodes
The discrete data points, plotted as diamonds, are values of the dark current specified for each detector at 25 °C.
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Figure 5: Shunt Resistance Calculated as Described in the Text for Four Unmounted Photodiodes
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Figure 6: NEP Calculated from the Quadrature Sum of Shot Noise and Thermal Noise for Four Unmounted Photodiodes
The discrete data points, plotted as diamonds, are values of the NEP specified for each detector at 25 °C. There is no point for FGA10 since the NEP is not specified at the peak responsivity wavelength.
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Figure 7: Temperature of a Representative Photodiode Controlled by the Conditions in the Environmental Chamber
Dark current measurements were acquired between 25 °C and 55 °C (indicated by the shaded region) and are plotted in Figure 5 .
Experimental Limitations
Measurements were performed using a single representative of each detector type, as these data were intended to illustrate overall trends. These data should not be taken as specific for a particular diode. The measured currents were functions of voltage bias, temperature dependence of resistive loads, and other effects. Efforts were made to suppress their influence on these measurements, including using the Keithley 6487 ammeter to provide the required 5 V reverse bias. Using the ammeter removed the need to use a load resistor, which may exhibit its own temperature dependence. The thermistor was placed as close to the semiconductor sensor as was possible, but it was not placed in direct contact with the sensor. Because of this, there may have been a difference between the measured temperature and the temperature of the semiconductor material. The currents were measured while the temperature of the environmental chamber was continuously varied. Humidity was not controlled during this experiment.
[1] Thorlabs' Noise Equivalent Power White Paper.
[2] Quimby, Richard S. Photonics and Lasers: An Introduction. Wiley-Interscience, Hoboken, NJ, 2006, pp 241-244.
Beam Size and Photodiode Saturation
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Figure 1: Normalized change in output current for a fixed incident power as the photodiode Device Under Test (DUT), FDS1010, was translated through the focus of a lens.
We present laboratory measurements showing the effect of beam size on the saturation point of a Thorlabs silicon photodiode. As defined here, saturation is a 1% deviation from the linear response region. As illustrated in Figure 1, the photodiode saturated at lower incident power levels as the beam size decreased. Several additional calculations and experiments were performed to verify the cause of the change in saturation was not a function of the power density. These results suggest that users should be cognizant of the beam size when attempting to measure absolute power with a power sensor, such as our S130C photodiode power sensor.
For our experiment, we used the SM1PD1A mounted photodiode, which consists of an FDS1010 photodiode in an SM1-threaded housing. An 830 nm superluminescent diode was used as the light source. A beamsplitter directed 20% of the light to a monitor photodiode while the remainder was transmitted through a focusing lens. Power values were calibrated using an integrating sphere, while the beam size of the focusing beam was calibrated with a beam profiler mounted to a translation stage. After calibration, the beam profiler was replaced with the device under test (DUT), an SM1PD1A at a 0 V bias. The output current was measured with an ammeter to remove the need for a load resistor. We then recorded datasets as the beam diameter was continuously scanned from 0.06 mm to 5 mm while power was held constant, as well as measurements for beam diameters ranging from 1 mm to 5 mm (measured to the 5% clip level) as the incident power was continuously scanned from 0.12 mW to 5 mW.
The figures show the results from the measurements. Figure 1 (right) and Figure 2 (below) show the deviation from linear response for continuously varying beam diameter at a fixed 1 mW incident power (Figure 1) and continuously varying incident power for several beam diameters (Figure 2). Figure 1 shows that for a 1 mW input, the photodiode saturated at beam sizes less than 300 µm. Figure 2 shows that beam diameters ≥2 mm did not saturate at the power levels investigated.
One hypothesis for these results was that local saturation due to a large power density locally depleted or reduced the population of available carriers. In Figure 3, we calculated the power density by taking the quotient of the measured power and beam diameter presented in Figure 2 and plotted the current output as a function of that power density. If the results were due to local saturation, we would have expected that all of the beam diameters would saturate at a single power density; however, this was not the case.
Since the results presented in Figure 3 coupled the beam size change with a change in optical power density, we performed another experiment to increase the power density incident on the sensor within the same envelope of beam area to see if there was a change in the saturation point. This was done by segmenting the Gaussian beam into an array of beamlets with a microlens array, concentrating the overall optical power into smaller spots within the same Gaussian envelope. This created larger power densities while maintaining a similar electrical path to the sensor leads. Figure 4 shows the same results as Figure 2 with the results from the microlens array overlaid as dashed lines. Since the results are nearly identical to the original Gaussian beam for all diameters, the saturation appears to be dependent on the overall beam diameter and independent of the power density. In the complete Lab Facts presentation, we discuss how these results support the theory of Scholze et al. that the change in saturation with beam size is due to a change in the series resistance of the photodiode [1].
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Figure 2: Percent Deviation from the linear response with increasing power for 1 mm - 5 mm beam diameters. The 1% deviation level is indicated with a dashed horizontal line.
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Figure 3: Normalized output current versus power density for 1 mm - 5 mm beam diameters. This shows the saturation effects do not appear to be based on a single power density.
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Figure 4: Normalized output current versus optical power for 2 mm - 5 mm beam diameter with (Dashed Line) and without (Solid Line) the microlens array (MLA) prior to the photodiode.
[1] F. Scholze, R. Klein, R. Muller, Linearity of silicon photodiodes for EUV radiation. 2004 Proc. SPIE 5374 926–34.
Effective Reverse Bias Voltage as a Function of Incident Optical Power
The bandwidth (and rise time) of a photodiode is known to be a function of the effective bias across it. Therefore, the effective bias must be tuned in response to the generated photocurrent from the optical power incident on the diode to maintain the desired bandwidth. This lab fact investigates the relationship between the effective reverse bias voltage across a photodiode and the CW optical power incident on it in order to create a reliable model of a biased photodiode.
Circuit Analysis
To begin creating this model, the photodiode circuit shown in Figure 2 to the right is examined using Ohm’s law and assuming a constant DC voltage source; this yields the equation
Veff = V0 - iPD * (RP + RL).
The effective bias voltage (Veff) across the photodiode equals the initial voltage from the source (V0) minus the product of the photocurrent (iPD) and the sum of the resistance of the bias module's resistor (RP) and the load resistor (RL).
To find how Veff changes with respect to the incident optical power (P), iPD is replaced in the above equation with its definition as the product of the wavelength-dependent responsivity [ℜ(λ)] of the photodiode and P:
iPD = ℜ(λ) * P.
Using Ohm’s law on the load resistor such that iPD = VL / RL, the equation above was rewritten to solve for ℜ(λ):
ℜ(λ) = VL / (P * RL ).
Assuming that the voltage drop across the load resistor (VL) is linear with respect to increasing P, the ratio of the change in VL and P can be established as the ratio:
m = Δ VL / Δ P.
These equations can be combined to form:
Veff = V0 - (m / RL) * P * (RP + RL).
The ratio m can be calculated from empirical measurements of VL and P for each photodiode, allowing this equation to be used as a model for how Veff changes with respect to P.
An experiment was developed to measure the change in VL with respect to changes in P. Output from a fiber-coupled laser diode was collimated, passed through a neutral density filter, and then focused onto the Device Under Test (DUT) via an off-axis parabolic mirror. A photograph of the setup used can be seen in Figure 1 to the upper right. Neutral density filters with a range of optical densities were used to vary the power incident on the photodiode. For each photodiode used, the distance between the sensor surface and focusing mirror was adjusted so that the spot size was approximately half the size of each photodiodes’ detector area. An oscilloscope was used to measure V0, VL, and the sum Veff + VL. A multimeter was used to measure the effective bias directly.
VL was plotted against P for each DUT; an example of the results for the silicon photodiode can be seen in Figure 3 to the right. A linear trend line was created for each data set, and the slope of that line corresponds to m in Equation 4. This value can be used in Equation 5 to calculate the effective bias voltage. Then, Veff can be plotted with respect to the incident power and compared to the measured values from the oscilloscope. These results are shown in the three graphs displayed in Figure 4 below. The model was found to be consistent with measured experimental results, which showed that Veff decreases as P increases (with V0, RP, and RL held constant). This effect is significant, because the voltage set at the voltage source is not necessarily the bias voltage applied to the photodiode; one must account for resistive components within the circuit to calculate the effective bias voltage applied across the photodiode.
Figure 1: This setup was used in the experiment in order to verify our model of the effective voltage across the photodiode.
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Figure 2: Circuit Diagram of Biased Photodiode
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Figure 3: A single voltage vs. incident power graph used to find m for the final model, Equation 5.
About Our Lab Facts
Our application engineers live the experience of our customers by conducting experiments in Alex’s personal lab. Here, they gain a greater understanding of our products’ performance across a range of application spaces. Their results can be found throughout our website on associated product pages in Lab Facts tabs. Experiments are used to compare performance with theory and explore the benefits and drawbacks of using similar products in unique setups, in an attempt to understand the intricacies and practical limitations of our products. In all cases, the theory, procedure, and results are provided to assist with your buying decisions.
Pulsed Laser Emission: Power and Energy Calculations
Determining whether emission from a pulsed laser is compatible with a device or application can require referencing parameters that are not supplied by the laser's manufacturer. When this is the case, the necessary parameters can typically be calculated from the available information. Calculating peak pulse power, average power, pulse energy, and related parameters can be necessary to achieve desired outcomes including:
- Protecting biological samples from harm.
- Measuring the pulsed laser emission without damaging photodetectors and other sensors.
- Exciting fluorescence and non-linear effects in materials.
Pulsed laser radiation parameters are illustrated in Figure 1 and described in the table. For quick reference, a list of equations is provided below. The document available for download provides this information, as well as an introduction to pulsed laser emission, an overview of relationships among the different parameters, and guidance for applying the calculations.
Equations: |
and | ||||
Peak power and average power calculated from each other: |
and | ||||
Peak power calculated from average power and duty cycle*: | ||||
*Duty cycle () is the fraction of time during which there is laser pulse emission. |
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Figure 1: Parameters used to describe pulsed laser emission are indicated in the plot (above) and described in the table (below). Pulse energy (E) is the shaded area under the pulse curve. Pulse energy is, equivalently, the area of the diagonally hashed region.
Parameter | Symbol | Units | Description | ||
Pulse Energy | E | Joules [J] | A measure of one pulse's total emission, which is the only light emitted by the laser over the entire period. The pulse energy equals the shaded area, which is equivalent to the area covered by diagonal hash marks. | ||
Period | Δt | Seconds [s] | The amount of time between the start of one pulse and the start of the next. | ||
Average Power | Pavg | Watts [W] | The height on the optical power axis, if the energy emitted by the pulse were uniformly spread over the entire period. | ||
Instantaneous Power | P | Watts [W] | The optical power at a single, specific point in time. | ||
Peak Power | Ppeak | Watts [W] | The maximum instantaneous optical power output by the laser. | ||
Pulse Width | Seconds [s] | A measure of the time between the beginning and end of the pulse, typically based on the full width half maximum (FWHM) of the pulse shape. Also called pulse duration. | |||
Repetition Rate | frep | Hertz [Hz] | The frequency with which pulses are emitted. Equal to the reciprocal of the period. |
Example Calculation:
Is it safe to use a detector with a specified maximum peak optical input power of 75 mW to measure the following pulsed laser emission?
- Average Power: 1 mW
- Repetition Rate: 85 MHz
- Pulse Width: 10 fs
The energy per pulse:
seems low, but the peak pulse power is:
It is not safe to use the detector to measure this pulsed laser emission, since the peak power of the pulses is >5 orders of magnitude higher than the detector's maximum peak optical input power.
Posted Comments: | |
Jeoungmin Ji
 (posted 2024-05-27 18:10:26.093) Would you please provide the ideal detectivity files for FDS100-CAL and FDS1010-CAL? I can find only the responsivity files here. hchow
 (posted 2024-05-28 06:27:48.0) Dear Mr. Ji, thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately, we do not have a detectivity vs wavelength graph. You can however, find out the detectivity of the FDS100-CAL and FDS1010-CAL via their NEP values. For the FDS100, it would be 1.2 x 10^-14 W/sqrt(Hz) @ 900nm, while for the FDS1010, it would be 2.07 x 10^-13 W/sqrt(Hz) @ 970nm. Hoang Luong
 (posted 2023-08-27 10:47:09.197) Could you please provide calibration file for S/N: 230217205? I could not download it here. hchow
 (posted 2023-08-29 09:12:10.0) Dear Mr. Luong, thank you for your feedback. I will personally reach out to you to provide the relevant information. Thank you. Angelo Pidatella
 (posted 2023-06-07 10:03:26.847) Hello, I would be interested in purchasing your calibrated photodiode. However, I would like to know whether it is possible to get a "mounted" version of the same, or alternatively supporting me in buying the ancillary instruments/device to mount it by myself, guaranteeing the calibration traceability of the photodiode. Waiting for your response, I would like to thank you a lot in advance. fmortaheb
 (posted 2023-06-08 08:58:14.0) Thank you very much for contacting us. I'll reach out to you directly to discuss your application. user
 (posted 2023-04-18 16:32:29.62) Can I get the QE data below 800nm of FDG03-CAL? hchow
 (posted 2023-04-19 08:17:02.0) Dear User, thank you for your feedback, I will personally reach out to you to provide the relevant information. Thank you. user
 (posted 2023-03-22 10:51:50.513) Hello,
I would like to accurately measure very low light power (~200pW/cm^2). The conditions would be controlled and at a temperature of 21degC. Would you be able to recommend a photodiode and circuit that could measure such low light power reliably?
Ronan dpossin
 (posted 2023-03-24 06:21:28.0) Dear Ronan,
Thank you for your feedback. Since the NEP for the suggested diode is rated as 2.6 pw/sqrt(Hz), it is theoretical possible to measure such low powers. However the measurement accuracy is also dependent on the accuracy one is abole to measure the photocurrent accurately. I am reaching out to you in order to discuss this in more detail. Emanuele Malvisi
 (posted 2023-02-09 13:14:06.243) Last year, we buyed the calibrated photodiodes FDS1010-CAL and FDG10X10-CAL. I use these detectors to determining light power (max 40 uW) from halogen light lamp source, with a monochromator, in the spectral range 350-1800 nm. In the overlap range 800-1100 nm of two detectors (used for determine a single curve), I observe the light power calculated with Ge photodiode is lower of light power calculated with Si photodiode than about 3.5-4%, this lower of your declared measurement uncertainty of ±5%. The shapes of two power curves are the same, but they differ by a "k" constant coefficient. The monochromtic beam dimensions are lower of cells size.
On active front side of cells, are there fingers?
Can you suggest me the main cause of this difference?
Thank you in advance for your support. hchow
 (posted 2023-02-13 09:23:49.0) Dear Mr. Malvisi, thank you for your feedback. I believe the difference you are seeing in your power readings is due to the difference in responsivities of the two types of photodiodes. The FDS1010 Si photodiode responsivity peaks at around 1000 nm, whereas the FDG10X10 Ge photodiode responsivity peaks at 1550 nm. Given that Halogen light peaks at roughly 900 nn, you will definitely notice a difference in the amount of photocurrent generated by the two different photodiodes. In any case, I will personally reach out to you to provide you with more information. Thank you very much. Andrey Kuznetsov
 (posted 2021-08-21 14:47:54.803) I sent an email to techsupport about getting my digital calibration certificate with all the values but have not received a response in a week! Please fix your certificate download tool, it says mine is not found. Also, please adjust your template to show more than 2 significant digits for the responsively values on the printout certificate to maybe 3 or 4. MKiess
 (posted 2021-08-24 09:41:55.0) Dear Andrey, thank you very much for your feedback. Apologies that the download of the certificate did not work. I have sent you the appropriate certificates directly.
Showing more than two siginificant digits for responivity in the certificate is a good suggestion. We will discuss this internally and see if a change is possible. Thank you very much for this helpful feedback. user
 (posted 2020-11-12 09:43:39.4) Hello. I cannot download any of my FDS100-CAL (SN: 201027208), FGA21-CAL (SN: 200928220), FDG03-CAL (SN: 201021220) data. Please, send me data of calibration. soswald
 (posted 2020-11-13 03:30:54.0) This is a response from Sönke at Thorlabs: Thank you for your feedback. I have reached out to you directly to send you the calibration certiifcates as well as the raw data in electronic format. Adam Halverson
 (posted 2020-01-07 14:48:47.36) What does NIST traceable mean? How accurate is the calibration? MKiess
 (posted 2020-01-08 06:40:35.0) This is a response from Michael at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. NIST traceable means that the equipment we use for calibration has an unbroken chain of measurements that is traceable to national and international standards. In the case of NIST, this is the National Instituite of Standards and Technology, or NIST for short.
For our calibrated sensors, all measurement uncertainties can be found on our website and are supplied in a separate calibration certificate. For our Calibrated Photodiodes, the measurement uncertainty is ±5% and we measure every 10nm over the spectral range of the photodiode. Further and more detailed information of our calibration process and traceability can be found in our Power Meter and Sensor Tutorial at the following link: user
 (posted 2019-08-15 15:21:33.38) My product has just arrived. The serial number is: 190716305. The security code I continuously type in correctly. Currently, it says: md4xci. However, I cannot download any of my FDS1010-CAL data. Please assist.
Thank You!
A.J. Matthews
Toledo Solar MKiess
 (posted 2019-08-20 04:15:40.0) This is a response from Michael at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your feedback! I have contacted you directly to send you the data. user
 (posted 2019-05-12 00:54:46.333) N0 cal. data
- 190122212
- 190122210 lmorgus
 (posted 2019-05-13 09:07:57.0) A response from Laurie at Thorlabs: Thank you for noting that there is an issue with the ability to download serialized information. I will reach out to you directly with the requested files while we work to ensure these are available for download from our website. user
 (posted 2019-05-12 00:47:50.46) I couldnot download the calibration data of
sn 190205318 (FDS100-cal) lmorgus
 (posted 2019-05-13 09:01:35.0) A response from Laurie at Thorlabs: Thank you for noting that there is an issue with the ability to download serialized information. I will reach out to you directly with the requested files while we work to ensure these are available for download from our website. claudios
 (posted 2019-01-14 16:36:57.417) Hello,
can you give me a quote for a calibrated and mounted FDS100 Si photodiode, type SM05PD1A? Is the calibration done focusing the light only at the center of the device or illuminating the whole active area? In the former case, does a uniform complete illumination of the device affect the responsivity obtained with the calibration? wskopalik
 (posted 2019-01-16 07:22:32.0) This is a response from Wolfgang at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your feedback!
Yes, we can offer a calibrated version of the SM05PD1A as well. In the calibration setup a beam with about 2mm in diameter is used. So a large part of the active area of the SM05PD1A is illuminated. In general, the responsivity of photodiodes is also quite uniform over the photodiode surface. You can find more information about the spatial uniformity of photodiodes in the “Lab Facts” section of our website (
I will contact you directly to provide further information and also a quote. s.krause
 (posted 2017-07-31 09:45:28.43) We bought a FDS1010-CAL to measure light intensities without applying bias voltage, just connecting the diode to an Pico-Amperemeter. I wonder how linear the response is to incident light level? Do you have any numbers, until which current output it is linear (within 1%)?
Best, Sascha tfrisch
 (posted 2017-07-31 03:36:54.0) Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We have some information on the theory of saturation in the below lab facts. It will depend on a number of factors including the bias voltage, built-in voltage, responsivity, load resistance and series resistance, but likely the detector would be completely saturated at a few mW with no bias voltage, and non-linear performance would begin before that. For the built in voltage of a silicon diode, 0.6V is a fair estimate, but you can get a more accurate measurement by finding the output voltage at saturation with a large load resistor. hakan.pettersson
 (posted 2017-03-21 19:34:14.967) I wonder at which bias the provided responsivity data for the FDS100-CAL is recorded at. Also, can the responsivity simply be scaled with bias according to a simply relation?
All the best
HåkanP swick
 (posted 2017-03-22 06:15:53.0) This is a response from Sebastian at Thorlabs. Thank you for the inquiry.
The calibration is performed without bias voltage. Unfortunately, there is no simple relation between responsivity and bias. The calibration data is only valid without bias. Jeff.Wheeldon
 (posted 2016-06-08 16:01:31.357) Could you tell me the highest measurable power using FDG05-CAL. We regularly measure total powers of 45 mW is this within the specification for this product? besembeson
 (posted 2016-06-09 09:18:53.0) Response from Bweh at Thorlabs USA: That may be too high. At peak responsivity (1550nm) for example with 45mW, you will be around 38mA of output generated current, and you will be saturating the detector. Depending on your wavelength, you want to keep optical power level such that output current is under 1mA to stay in the linear regime for the detector. dojin78
 (posted 2014-03-18 10:49:01.103) Could you tell me the difference FGA21-CAL and FGA21? alexandru.serb05
 (posted 2013-09-03 11:01:18.603) Do we know what the optical damage threshold for this product is (and for that matter for all of them)? In other words beyond what sort of irradiance will I start frying the device? I suspect this will be wavelength dependent so ideally there will be some sort of plot showing damage threshold in W/M^2 vs wavelength, but if not, some rough figure would also be very helpful.
Thanks jlow
 (posted 2013-09-04 09:36:00.0) Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: The photodiode will start to saturate well before damage would occur. In general, I would recommend keeping the current output from the photodiode to be <1mA to avoid saturating the photodiode. I will get in contact with you to discuss about your application further. bdada
 (posted 2011-11-17 15:29:00.0) Response from Buki at Thorlabs:
Thank you for your feedback. We can provide the calibrated version of the SM05PD1A. We will contact you regarding a quote. gert
 (posted 2011-11-17 15:09:23.0) Can you give us a price for a calibrated and mounted FDS100 Si photodiode, type SM05PD1A ?
Thank you,
Gert Raskin jjurado
 (posted 2011-02-24 14:33:00.0) Response from Javier at Thorlabs to rjaculbia: Thank you for contacting us with your request. We currently do not offer mounts or adapters for easily mounting the calibrated photodiodes. However, we can offer these already mounted in SM05 and SM1 compatible tubes with SMA or BNC output connectors as special items. Please visit the link below:
I will contact you directly to get information about your selection. rbjaculbia
 (posted 2011-02-24 01:04:07.0) hi, how do we mount these diodes in a setup? can this be mounted using the s1lm9? Thanks apalmentieri
 (posted 2010-01-20 15:33:04.0) A response from Adam at Thorlabs: The calibration data is in the form of an excel data table with a wavelength resolution of 10nm. When calibrating these diodes, we do not use fiber coupling methods. We use a monochromator with an output beam diameter of 1.7mm so not to overfill the aperture. The accuracy of +/-5% is a tolerance that includes any measurement errors, for instance shot noise and johnson noise from the detector, that must be taken into account while calibrating the diode to NIST traceable standards. markus.blaser
 (posted 2010-01-20 11:05:25.0) Few questions with respect to FGA21-CAL:
In which form is the calibration data availabe:
Data Table ? Wavelength resolution ?
What is the optical coupling method used for the calibration procedure:
Butt Fiber / Angled Fiber or other coupling technique ?
Why is the accuracy only +/- 5%, when the detector is calibrated against a NIST traceable reference detector ? |
The following table lists Thorlabs' selection of photodiodes, photoconductive, and pyroelectric detectors. Item numbers in the same row contain the same detector element.
Two NIST traceable calibrated Si photodiodes are available from stock. Si photodiodes are sensitive across the visible and into the near infrared spectrum. The FDS100-CAL and FDS1010-CAL are both large area Si photodiodes and are packaged in a can and on a square ceramic substrate respectively. For detailed information about their specifications and to view responsivity, dark current, and capacitance graphs, please click on the info icons in the table below.
Thorlabs offers response-flattening filters that are designed to improve the response uniformity of these silicon photodiodes. Click here for more information.
Item # | Info | Wavelength | Active Area |
Rise/Fall Timea |
NEP (W/Hz1/2) |
Dark Current |
Capacitance | Package | Vbias,max | Compatible Sockets |
FDS100-CAL | 350 - 1100 nm | 13 mm2 | 10 ns @ 632 nm, 20 V |
1.2x10-14 @ 900 nm, 20 V |
1.0 nA @ 20 V (Typ.) |
24 pF @ 20 V (Typ.) |
TO-5 Can (Ø0.36") |
25 V | STO5S STO5P |
FDS1010-CAL | 350 - 1100 nm | 100 mm2 | 65 ns @ 632 nm, 5 V |
2.07x10-13 @ 970 nm, 5 V |
600 nA @ 5 V (Max) |
375 pF @ 5 V (Typ.) |
0.45" x 0.52" Ceramic Wafer |
25 V | Not Available |
One NIST traceable calibrated Ge photodiode is available from stock. Ge photodiodes are sensitive in the near infrared spectrum from 800 - 1800 nm. The FDG03-CAL is AR Coated for 1300 to 1550 nm and is packaged in a can. For detailed information about its specifications and to view responsivity, dark current, and capacitance graphs, please click on the info icon in the table below.
One NIST traceable calibrated InGaAs photodiode is available from stock. InGaAs photodiodes are sensitive in the near infrared spectrum from 800 to 1700 nm. The FGA21-CAL has a PIN structure that results in fast zero bias Rise / Fall times. For detailed information about its specifications and to view responsivity, dark current, and capacitance graphs, please click on the info icon in the table below.