QEPAS Software for Quartz-Enhanced Photoacoustic Sensor

The software package for Thorlabs' Quart-Enhanced Photoacoustic Sensor is a graphical user interface (GUI) that controls the data acquisition for the QEPAS-CH4 methane sensor. This user-friendly GUI allows the user to set measurement parameters, measure methane concentrations, and perform statistical analysis on the data. A Data Viewer within the software can be used to view and analyze data from a previously saved measurement.

  1. Software: QEPAS Software
64-Bit QEPAS Software Installer  
Description64-Bit Software Installation Package for the QEPAS-CH4 Methane Sensor
Filesize28.2 MB
Only download from trusted sources, like Thorlabs, and always scan files before executing.

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System RequirementsWindows® 10 (64-Bit); >1 GHz CPU; 2 GB RAM; 1024 x 768 Pixels Resolution; 2 GB HD Space; Free USB 2.0 Port or Ethernet Port