Galvo-Resonant Scanner Software

This software controls the scan range (field size) and TTL sync signal offset (alignment) of the resonant scan mirror in our galvo-resonant scanner. Included in this download are the application software, firmware, bootloader, SDK, and device utility.

  1. Software and Support: Software package with graphical user interface, driver, firmware, bootloader, device utility, LabVIEW™ example, and C++ software development kit for operating the device in standard applications.
Software Installation  
DescriptionGUI Software Package developed by Thorlabs. This package also contains firmware (v 2.1), a LabVIEW™ example, C++ software development kit, and support documentation describing the functions available for direct communication with the controller. Check the user manual for installation instructions.
Filesize14.3 MB
Only download from trusted sources, like Thorlabs, and always scan files before executing.

System RequirementsWindows® 7 or 10 (32- or 64-Bit), Visual C++ Redistributable Package (2012), and Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 or later Client Profile are required.