Changelog from ThorSpectra v3.31 to v3.35 - Added pyOSA python SDK, see Thorlabs GitHub for examples (OSA20x and OSA30x) - Improved piezo optimization algorithm (OSA30x) - Added tutorial on using OSA20x with pulsed light sources - Extending functionality for spectra imported from text files - Introduced support for catching unexpected errors Changelog from ThorSpectra v3.30 to v3.31 - Resolved a couple of bugs that unfortunately were induced in v3.30: - Bug fix: Resolved an issue with conversion to/from nm(air) - Bug fix: Resolved an issue with the power level of OSA200 measurements being off Changelog from ThorSpectra v3.25 to v3.30 - Added support for Redstone OSA302 model - New x-axis unit: Raman Wavenumbers (cm-1) with excitation wavelength - New feature: Wavelength calibration for OSA200 - Improved autogain algorithm (OSA200) - Improved attenuation filter activation algorithm (OSA30x) - Improved SDK Autogain features (OSA200) - Updates to the Trace Label tooltip - Bug fixes: Signal and Free-space windows Changelog from ThorSpectra v3.20 to v3.25 - New device: Holographic Grating Spectrometer HG10 is supported. - Offset (Redstone only): Auto-offset is implemented, so when gain is in manual mode, offset will still be set automatically. - New option: Save all visible traces - Spectrum calculation: Measured environment parameters are used when calculating spectra. When converting to/from nm(air), the environment parameters corresponding to standard dry air – as defined by E.R. Peck and K. Reeder (JOSA, 62, 958-962 (1972)) and used in the NIST Atomic Spectra Database (15°C, 101.325kPa, and 0% relative humidity) - are used. - Bug fixes: Signal and Free-space windows - Bug fix: Long-term x-axis syncing Changelog from Thorlabs OSA v2.90 to ThorSpectra v3.20 - Software now also supports Redstone instruments - Reorganized plugin system to make it seamless to add future instruments - Improved error handling for OSA200 - Improved apodization for OSA200 - Interferograms are now hidden from Basic users. E.g. to view interferograms users need to change their setting to Advanced Level - Several menu changes, text changes and other minor GUI-improvements - CCS and OSA now have separate installers - Bug fix: Resolved various bugs for users with high resolution monitors - Bug fix: Resolved several minor GUI-related bugs - Bug fix: Resolved various bugs for Long Term Window - Bug fix: Resolved a bug that could prevent the Automatic Gain-routine from finding the optimal gain level for an OSA200 - Bug fix: Resolved several bugs related to Math window Changelog from Thorlabs Redstone OSA v3.10 to ThorSpectra v3.20 - Software now also supports Thorlabs OSA200- and Thorlabs CCS-spectrometers - Software now saves files as .spf2 as default. spf2x-files is still supported - Bug fix: Fixed problems with Pulsed Measurement - Bug fix: Resolved several minor GUI-related bugs - Bug fix: Resolved various bugs for Long Term Window - Bug fix: Resolved several bugs related to Math window Changelog from Thorlabs Redstone OSA v3.05.7977.8225 to Thorlabs Redstone OSA v3.10.8062.8356 - Added support for Labview for Redstone OSAs - Added support for Pulsed Source Measurement mode for Redstone - Fixed bugs with Replay and AutoSetup Changelog from Thorlabs Redstone OSA v3.05.7964.8187 to Thorlabs Redstone OSA v3.05.7977.8225 - Corrected version shown in About dialog - Help button always show at least the manual, even if no instrument is connected - Corrected manual to show required .NET framework version (should be 4.7.2 instead of 4.5) - Bug fix: Wavelength calibration crashed due to missing library - Bug fix: Filter control buttons in Free-space alignment window correctly reflects the filter auto/manual status Changelog from Thorlabs Redstone OSA v3.00b to Thorlabs Redstone OSA v3.05.7964.8187 - New feature: Free-space Alignment window (toggling Alignment beam, showing DC signals etc) - New documentation (Manual, Quick-start Guide, Free-space Alignment Tutorial) - Attenuation filter control moved to Signal window - Attenuation filters insert and remove automatically due to detected non-linear detector response - Added temperature compensation for offset calculations - Better error handling for instrument connection - Menu rearranging - SDK examples updates - Replaced the refractive index of air calculation from modified Edlén to Ciddor according to NIST - Bug fix: multiple instances of the software would cause unexpected behaviour; now only the first opened instance has instrument control - Various minor bug fixes Changelog from Thorlabs OSA v2.85 to Thorlabs OSA v2.90 - Bug fix: Resolved an issue that could cause the OSA to crash during long measurements. - Bug fix: Resolved some issues with the CCS installer. - Bug fix: Resolved an issue with the motor self calibration not being communicated properly to the user and that could cause crashes when running the OSA with custom scripts. Changelog from Thorlabs OSA v2.80 to Thorlabs OSA v2.85 - Improved the peak track algorithm. - Several minor GUI-improvements. - Bug fix: Improved the GUI to scale properly with Windows 10. - Bug fix: Resolved some minor memory leaks. - Bug fix: Resolved several minor GUI-related bugs. Changelog from Thorlabs OSA v2.75 to Thorlabs OSA v2.80 - Improved the auto gain algorithm to prevent the gain from looping or getting stuck at wrong levels.It should now work better for sources with high power. - Bug fix: Resolved several bugs that caused the auto scale to work incorrectly. - Bug fix: Resolved a bug that caused the program to crash when running color analysis with the CCS and low integration times. - Bug fix: Resolved a bug causing the Full installer to not working properly on Windows 10. - Bug fix: Resolved a bug causing the program to crash when using Scan USB or Devices during startup. - Bug fix: Resolved several minor GUI-related bugs. Changelog from Thorlabs OSA v2.70 to Thorlabs OSA v2.75 - In Spectrum Mode, it is possible to add a secondary horizontal axis unit. - Dark Room Mode, if the screen is too bright, the graph background and grid color can be changed by clicking the "Dark Room Mode" button. - Zero fill moved to the settings bar (easier access). - "Clear All" button moved from the the File menu to the Trace control bar (easier access). - "Reset" button added to Trace control bar. It clears the content of the traces and resets the number of traces to default. - Bug fix: Resolved bugs that caused the program to crash when using a CCS and the unit pixel. - Bug fix: At times Replay did not work due to wrong prefix/suffix. - Bug fix: Resolved a graph auto scale bug. - Bug fix: Improved peak and valley track functionality. - Bug fix: Movable Marker unit update bug fixed when changing from spectrum to interferogram mode and vice-versa. Changelog from Thorlabs OSA v2.65 to Thorlabs OSA v2.70 - Movable markers shown in separate break out window which allows for more space for the main graph. - Reworked the screenshot function. Copy to clipboard enabled. Screenshot displayed as preview allowing the user to either save the screenshot, copy to clipboard or abort. Layout improvements. - Library updated to handle the new OSA version, revision C. - Improvements for peak/valley track result table layout. The table is centered and the column autosize is improved. - Added a automatic vertical scroll bar for the result list in Statistics Analysis. - Bug fix: Resolved the bug that caused persistence traces to disappear when trace was Fixed - Bug fix: When the device is removed (after pressing scan USB) then the device then the device is no longer available to the user. - Bug fix: The cursor panel was sometimes shown when switching between spectrum and interferogram mode. - Bug fix: Resolved one bug which showed up in the trace info dialog, where the dialog showed the wrong x-axis and y-axis unit. - Bug fix: When choosing the option to 'Install Now' then the software update installer would be launched twice, once by the downloader and once when the program exited. - Bug fix: Resolved one bug when saving multiple spectra to a text file. The column-separator character was missing between the data sets Changelog from Thorlabs OSA v2.60 to Thorlabs OSA v2.65 - Reworked the analysis displays, they can now be shown in separate breakout windows which allows for more space for the main graph. - Ranges and thresholds which are necessary for some analysis modes is now displayed in the main graph, where they can be dragged to change the settings. - Added automatic setup of the peak-track, valley-track, power and statistics settings so that the analysis range and threshold are valid when opening the analysis. - Added the 1960 and 1976 color spaces to color analysis as well as enhancements to the data display. - Added more information settings to the status bar in the main window. - Updated layout of main window to allow for more space for the main graph. - Made it possible to track a specific trace from the quick-setup window of long-term analysis (when starting directly from an analysis display). - Updated the acquisition progress bar in the status bar to handle fast acquisitions as well. - Included the python modules necessary for python scriptin with the installation. - Simplified the settings for adding persistence to the main graph, the input is now the number of traces to display instead of just 'fast' or 'slow'. - Added various stability and performance enhancements. - Bug fix: Resolved one bug where the time stamp of an averaged scan would be corrupted when passing midnight, this affected both long-term analysis and auto-saving of files. - Bug fix: Resolved one bug where the scripted acquisition of a CCS device would cause errors in the spectra. - Bug fix: Resolved several bugs in the writing of JCampDX spectrum files. - Bug fix: Resolved one bug where the x-axis unit of a long-term analysis on peak-track results was not correct. - Bug fix: Resolved one bug where setting the name/comment of a trace by entering a new value in the legend was not saved properly in some cases. - Bug fix: Resolved one bug when reading in a text file without a header. Changelog from Thorlabs OSA v2.55 to Thorlabs OSA v2.60 - Reworked the spectrum fitting module. It is now much easier than before to perform a spectral fit. - Added convolution with the instrument line shape to the spectrum fitting, this improves the fit for simulated references - Reworked the reference dialog, to make the dialog easier to use and more flexible. - Implemented a measurement assistant which can help with transmission / absorption measurements - Implemented automatic software updates, as well as the possibility to ignore specific updates. - Implemented the ability to read in HITRAN cross section files (.xsc files) - Shortened the software startup time by offloading some file loading to a background thread. - Added the possibility for users writing custom software to more easily acquire a fixed number of spectra/interferograms from the OSA by adding the method FTS_AcquireSpectra - Bug fix: Resolved one bug where the pulsed mode measurement stopped after two scans. - Bug fix: Resolved a number of bugs in the calculation of reference spectra from the HITRAN database. - Bug fix: Resolved one bug in the handling of the CCS where an invalid integration time could be stored to disk, making the software crash at startup - Bug fix: Implemented keeping the measuremnt settings when saving an OSA spectrum/interferogram to disk in the JCamp-DX format - Bug fix: Resolved one bug where the program would crash if the size of a spectrum in an SPF2-file was zero - Bug fix: Resolved one bug where the x-axis format of a spectrum read in from a .TXT file was incorrectly set. Changelog from Thorlabs OSA v2.50 to Thorlabs OSA v2.55 - Reworked the off-line and on-line Trace Math module of the GUI software. This can now handle differing x- and y-axis units of the arguments as well as different lengths/resolution of the data. - Reworked the trace-math dialog and the parsing of the user expressions. - Made the error messages from the Trace math module more helpful and informative on what is wrong. - Added many more math functions to the off-line and on-line Trace Math. - Improved the Blackbody spectrum dialog, it is now possible to scale the calculated spectrum to another, existing, trace. - Improved the buttons on the main menu. If a button is disabled, then the tooltip describes the reason why it is disabled. - Added the short-cuts Ctrl+M to open the math dialog, Ctrl+U to open the update option dialog for the current trace and Ctrl+D to toggle between spectrum and interferogram mode. - Bug fix: Resolved one bug in the math-dialogs (apodisation, smooth, cut, etc) where the wrong trace would be used as input. - Bug fix: Resolved one bug in setting up a long term monitoring on the analysis of a spectrum trace while displaying interferograms. The x-axis range would be invalid. - Bug fix: Resolved one bug where removing a trace of reducing the number of traces could cause the program to crash. - Bug fix: Resolved one bug when reading spectrum files using FTS_ReadSpectrum_indexed, spectra containing trace logs would cause the read to fail. - Bug fix: resolved one bug where the exported Matlab files were corrupted Changelog from Thorlabs OSA v2.40 to Thorlabs OSA v2.50 - Implemented better feedback to the user when an operation to set sensitivity / resolution or detector temperature mode if the OSA is in progress. - Implemented automatically turning off the motor of the OSA if the device is unused for a longer period of time. - Implemented clearing the currently updated traces when changing the mode of the OSA, to make it more clear which spectrum is collected in the old mode and which is collected in the new mode. - Changed the numbering of interferogram traces to be 1 through 26 for better separation between spectra and interferograms. - Extended the methods and classes available for scripting the OSA Software - Added a DotNet-wrapper to make it easier to write custom software for the OSA using the DotNet framework. - Added examples for writing custom software for the OSA, in C and in C#. - Bug fix: resolved one threading issue where it was not possible to change the x-axis unit while acuiring data from a CCS device with low integration time. - Bug fix: corrected one bug which made the zoom range of the graph reset whenever the display mode was changed. Changelog from Thorlabs OSA v2.35 to Thorlabs OSA v2.40 - Added a new Analysis Mode: Curve Fit analysis. This makes it possible to fit a sum of Gaussians, Lorentzians and Polynomials to a measured Trace. - Added simple Tex parser for the names and comments of Traces, both when entering the name in the trace info dialog and through the legend. - Implemented asynchronous analysis for all analysis modes. The allows for a more responsive GUI when turning on an analysis mode. - Bug fix: corrected the unit displayed when performing a long term tracking of the wavelength meter measurement. - Bug fix: corrected the wavelength calculation in wavelength meter measurement for alignment calibration of OSA devices. - Bug fix: corrected the redraw of the screen when changing between absolute power and power density mode while persistence is turned on. - Bug fix: corrected one issue when calculating absorbance or transmission spectra: the maximum path was set to 100cm. - Bug fix: corrected one issue with setting the integration time of CCS devices during measurement. - Bug fix: corrected the auto-setup routine for the CCS devices. Changelog from Thorlabs OSA v2.30 to Thorlabs OSA v2.35 - Implemented showing the histogram of the time series data. - Implemented saving the full time stamp of the data when saving long term data to file. - Implemented storing additional information on the references, such as CAS registry information and trivial name. - Bug fix: Fixed the layout of the screenshots saved from long term analysis. - Bug fix: The software did not correctly remember the last used parameters / settings for the long term analysis. - Bug fix: Resolved one bug in the Reference Database dialogue, the data base file was not closed properly leading to the loss of database information. - Bug fix: Pressing the key 'A' automatically opened the 'Average' dialog. Bug fixed by changing shortcut to Alt+A - Bug fix: Opening the black body spectrum calculation dialog when all traces were empty crashed the software. - Bug fix: Changing the x-axis unit while a CCS spectrum was displayed with 'pixel' as x-axis unit crashed the software. - Bug fix: displaying the analysis meny while a CCD Spectrum was displayed with 'pixel' as x-axis unit crashed the software. Changelog from Thorlabs OSA v2.20 to Thorlabs OSA v2.30 - Added Automatic saving of spectra and interferogram from all supported devices. Also added automatic saving of the contents of one or more traces. - Implemented scripting the GUI by creating custom scripts in C# or Python - Improved the performance of the pulsed mode. The final measured spectrum is now the minimum of the averaged spectra in each sensitivity mode, not just the minimum of all sensitivity modes as before. - Improved start up performance and reduced locking of the user interface while performing device operations. - Made the trace letter in the title of each analysis window draw using the same colored background as the trace label. This makes it more clear what trace is being analyzed. - Bug fix: Resolved one bug in power analysis where the x-axis range of the integration would be lost and no further power measurement could be performed without deleting the entry in the configuration file. - Bug fix: Resolved one bug in the long term window where tracked boolean variables would be treated as numeric values - Bug fix: Resolved one bug in the long term where streaming data to disk would not create any output file. - Bug fix: Resolved one bug in the long term where saving the result of a peak-track would fill the file with NaN entries - Bug fix: Resolved one bug which made caused some undo-information to be missing while performing math on traces, it would not be possible to undo some calculations. - Multiple bug fixes in the user interface components Changelog from Thorlabs OSA v2.15 to Thorlabs OSA v2.20 - New Analysis mode: Valley Track. This works similar to peak-track but is capable of searching a trace for valleys. - Improved Peak Track analysis mode. More parameters are extracted from the found peaks. Peak Value and Centroid Value are now presented separately. - Added statistics operations in the Trace - math dialog, new operations are: Min(Trace), Max(Trace), Mean(Trace), Median(Trace), Length(Trace) and Sum(Trace) - Added possibility to calculate absorption / transmission spectra directly from HITRAN line-by-line references. - Implemented possibility to change the name/comment of a trace by editing directly in the legend of the graph - The legend of the graph can now be resized - Resized the main-menu to create more screen space for the graph - Bug fix: Resolved one bug in the calculation of the cross-section from HITRAN line-by-line references - Bug fix: Resolved one bug where the access to the OSA was not locked when changing sensitivity/resolution mode or initializing the device by pressing 'Scan USB' - Multiple bug fixes in the setup of the GUI components. Changelog from Thorlabs OSA v2.1 to Thorlabs OSA v2.15 - Resolved one bug in the main menu, where the second level menu would be expanded incorrectly if collapsed. - Added the letter of the trace to the legend of the data plot. This to make identification of the traces easier. - Added warning messages to the analysis panels which warns if the analyzed trace is not shown or is invalid. - Resolved one bug in the drawing of the fixed markers and peak-track results, the data in the graph is now not shown if the analyzed trace is not shown. - Unified user interface for dialogs found under Math menu - Reworked analysis framework, with increased performance and modularity. - Moved Apodization from being a step in the preparation of the interferograms before display, to being a step in the spectrum calculation. This allows for Wavelength meter and Coherence Length analysis of collected / read in interferograms. - Implemented long term tracking of analysis results of multiple traces. - Resolved one bug which occurred when saving all traces to a spf2 - file and at least one trace having a scalar update option (e.g. 'A/2.0' or '2*B') - Resolved one bug in the automatic gain for the OSA20X where the gain could get stuck in the lowest gain level. Changelog from Thorlabs OSA v2.0 to Thorlabs OSA v2.1 - Updated icons in the software - Implemented automatic setup for the OSA and CCS series spectrometers. - Added a library of three HITRAN line-by-line references to the installation. Added references are C2H2, CO2 and H2O from HITRAN 2012. - Implemented calculating absorption cross sections from HITRAN line-by-line references - Implemented fitting one or more reference spectra to a measured spectrum, with the possibility to include a polynomial in the fit - Implemented fitting and removing a baseline from the measured spectra using a fitted Spline or Polynomial. - Implemented automatic adjustment of the settings of the OSA / CCS based in the current input. - Implemented support for Unicode characters in the text fields of the Spectra. The strings are encoded using UTF8 in the spectrum_t. - Implemented support for Unicode characters in the file names of spectrum files. To use Unicode characters in the string, encode the file name using UTF8 - Implemented saving the display options, such as the colour and update option of each trace when saving all traces. These settings can be restored when opening the file again. - Implemented handling devices where the power calibrated range is smaller than the range measurable by the detector. This allows for extended devices. - Implemented using prefixes on the y-axis display the the range is very small or very large and the unit used doesn't support SI-prefixes. This makes the graph much easier to read. - Improved the update performance of the display of the results in peak track, valley track and fixed marker analysis. - Implemented moving fixed markers by editing the position in the data table. - Implemented support for the TSP01 temperature and relative humidity sensor - added a dialogue where the user can set the options for how the data is to be acquired, and displays the read out values. Enabled tracking of the measured values in a long-term measurement. - Improved error handling when time outs occurs in the communication with the OSA.