2" (50 mm) Motorized Actuators

  • Piezo Inertia or Stepper Actuators with 50 mm of Travel
  • High Load Capacities
  • No Backlash

Application Idea

Three LNR50DD Stages
in XYZ Configuration
with DRV250 Motors


50 mm Travel
Stepper Motor Actuator


50 mm Travel
Piezo Inertia Actuator

Related Items

Please Wait
Item # DRV250 PIA50 PIA50VF
Travel 50 mm (1.97")
Motor Type 2-Phase Stepper Piezo Inertia Acuator
Mounting Two M4 Cap Screws Ø3/8" (Ø9.525 mm) Barrel
Vacuum Rating N/A N/A 10-6 Torr
Required Controller BSC201, BSC202, BSC203,
or MST602
KIM001 or KIM101


    • 50 mm (1.97") Travel
    • Stepper Motor and Piezo Inertia Actuator Models
    • Rotating and Non-Rotating Drive Tips
    • Replace Micrometers on Manual Stages and Mounts

    Thorlabs' Motorized Actuators are designed for use with optical positioning devices. They offer high resolution in lightweight packages, which makes these actuators ideally suited for demanding optical automation applications. These 50 mm (1.97") travel motorized actuators are available with two drive types: 2-phase stepper motors or piezo inertia actuators. A vacuum-compatible model with a piezo inertia actuator provides functionality down to 10-6 Torr. See the table to the right for an overview of the available models or below for more details.

    Quick Links to Other Motorized Actuators
    10 mm (0.39") or Less Travel 12 mm or 13 mm (1/2") Travel 25 mm (1") Travel 50 mm (2") Travel

    DRV225 Actuator

    Pin Diagram

    High-Density D-Type Male 15 Pin Connector

    15-Pin D-Sub Connector Pin Out

    Pin Description Pin Description
    1 Limit Grounda 9 Ident (for Future Use)
    2 CCW Limit Switch 10 +5 V
    3 CW Limit Switch 11 Reserved for Future Use
    4 Motor Phase B -ve 12 Reserved for Future Use
    5 Motor Phase B +ve 13 +5 V
    6 Motor Phase A -ve 14 Reserved for Future Use
    7 Motor Phase A +ve 15 Ground
    8 Reserved for Future Use  -  -
    • The limit switch ground wire is connected to the motor body.
    Connectors Terminating the Converter Cable
    Click to Enlarge

    High-Density D-Type Male 15 Pin Connector

    Example: Calculating the Linear Displacement per Microstep for Stepper Motor Driven Actuators

    The DRV series of stepper motor actuators have 200 full steps per revolution with 2048 microsteps per full step resulting in 409 600 microsteps per revolution of the motor. 

    Number of microsteps per lead screw revolution is:

    Number of Full Steps x Number of Microsteps per Full Step = 200 x 2048= 409 600 Microsteps per Lead Screw Revolution.

    The theoretical linear displacement of the lead screw per microstep is:

    1.0 mm / 409 600 = 2.4 x 10-6 mm = 2.4 nm.

    Summary of Calculations for Stepper Motor Driven Actuators

    Item # Required Driver Full Steps per Revolution Microsteps per Revolution Gearbox Ratio Displacement per Microstepa
    DRV250 BSC201, BSC202, BSC203,
    or MST602
    200 409 600 N/A 2.4 nm
    • This is a theoretical calculation and should only be used for reference. This value should not be used as a measure to gauge the performance of the actuator. 

    Posted Comments:
    Peter Hogg  (posted 2021-08-27 13:23:46.94)
    I'm a graduate student who is trying to build a custom stage with a controller and parts I already have in the lab. I was wondering the compatibility of this actuator (DRV250) with a controller I already have (Sutter MP 285). I have the pin-out for the Sutter's driver and I am comfortable with creating custom wiring but want to make sure I of compatibility before purchasing anything.
    cwright  (posted 2021-09-02 09:25:24.0)
    Response from Charles at Thorlabs: Thank you for your query. Unfortunately we are not able to support the use of third party controllers with our actuators and would recommend the use of BSC201 with the DRV250.
    wmwu  (posted 2016-02-29 19:00:04.997)
    Dear Officer, Is "Stepper Motor Drive (DRV014)" able to connect to the "Translation Stage(PT1A)", and to control its motion? Thanks very much. Best regards, Alan
    bwood  (posted 2016-03-01 04:06:43.0)
    Response from Ben at Thorlabs: Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately, the DRV014 is not compatible with the PT1A. Among other reasons, the DRV014 barrel size is too large (Ø12 mm) for the PT1A (Ø9.5 mm). The recommended stage to pair with the DRV014 are the 50 mm TravelMax™ stages, and the recommended actuators for the PT1A can be found under the "Actuator" tab on the PT1 series web page.
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    Stepper Motor Actuator with 50 mm Travel

    Key Specificationsa
    Travel Range 50 mm (1.97")
    Unidirectional Repeatability ±1.6 µm
    Bidirectional Repeatability ±3.9 µm
    Maximum Pushing Forceb 180 N
    Maximum Velocity 50 mm/s
    Maximum Acceleration 50 mm/s2
    Limit Switches Hall Effect
    Homing Repeatability ±3.6 µm
    Feedback Nonec
    Motor Type 2-Phase Stepper Motor
    Full Step Angle 1.8°
    Lead Screw Pitch 1.0 mm
    Microsteps per Revolution 409 600
    Actuator Mass 0.66 kg
    Compatible Controllersd BSC201, BSC202, BSC203,
    or MST602
    • For complete specifications, see the manual.
    • The unit requires a preload in order to function properly and should be used only for pushing loads. Do not use for pulling.
    • Although feedback is not provided within the actuator, closed-loop control can be achieved by using the LNR502E(/M) stage.
    • The KST201 K-Cube Controller can also be used to drive the DRV250 Stepper Motor Actuator but at reduced speed.
    • Designed for Use with LNR50 TravelMax™ Stages
    • ±1.6 µm Unidirectional Repeatability
    • Maximum Pushing Force: 180 N
    • Preload to Eliminate Backlash
    • Non-Rotating Tip
    • 25 mm Travel Version also Available

    The DRV250 offers 50 mm (1.97") of travel and a unidirectional repeatability of ±1.6 μm. When used with one of our stepper motor controllers, the DRV250 achieves a theoretical minimum step size of 2.4 nm and a maximum speed of 50 mm/s.

    The hybrid stepper motor, with its rotor that consists of 50 individual magnetic teeth, is ideally suited for micro-stepping applications. Aside from the increase in resolution resulting from increasing the steps per revolution from 200 to 409 600, micro-stepping also ensures smoother low-speed motion by allowing the discrete 1.8° step size to be reduced to much smaller steps, resulting in lower vibrational noise.

    The DRV250 stepper motor drive is equipped with a trapezoidal screw thread for more efficient high-load operation than is available from a standard threading.

    3-Axis Stepper Motors
    Click to Enlarge

    View Imperial Product List
    Item #QtyDescription
    LNR50DD350.8 mm TravelMax Stage, Differential Drive, Imperial
    DRV250350 mm Travel, Trapezoidal Stepper Motor Actuator
    LNR50P41Base Plate for LNR50 TravelMax Stages, Imperial
    LNR50P31XY Adapter Plate for LNR50 TravelMax Stages, Imperial Hole Spacings
    LNR50P21Right-Angle Bracket for LNR50 TravelMax Stages, Imperial Threads
    View Metric Product List
    Item #QtyDescription
    LNR50DD/M350.8 mm TravelMax Stage, Differential Drive, Metric
    DRV250350 mm Travel, Trapezoidal Stepper Motor Actuator
    LNR50P4/M1Base Plate for LNR50 TravelMax Stages, Metric
    LNR50P3/M1XY Adapter Plate for LNR50 TravelMax Stages, Metric Hole Spacings
    LNR50P2/M1Right-Angle Bracket for LNR50 TravelMax Stages, Metric Threads
    A 3-axis LNR50DD 2" travel stage shown with the manual adjusters replaced by DRV250 actuators.

    This actuator is designed for use with our 2" TravelMax Manual Stages. To use the DRV250 with these stages, mount the motor to the side of the stage using two 40 mm long M4 cap screws (included). In order to secure the TravelMax stage to a table while using the DRV250 actuator, the LNR50P4(/M) base plate is required.

    A 500 mm (19.7") cable with a 15-pin D-type connector is attached to the unit to connect the stepper motor to a controller. The unit also comes with a 3 m (9.8 ft) extension cable (item # PAA613). If a shorter cable is needed, the 1 m (3.3 ft) PAA612 cable is available separately.

    Recommended Controllers:
    BSC201, BSC202, or BSC203

    • 409 600 Microsteps per Revolution
    • 48 V Output at 25 W
    • Trapezoidal and
      'S-Curve' Velocity Profiles
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    +1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
    DRV250 Support Documentation
    DRV25050 mm Travel, Trapezoidal Stepper Motor Actuator
    3 Weeks
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    Piezo Inertia Actuator with 50 mm Travel

    Item #a PIA50
    Travel 50 mm (1.97")
    Typical Step Sizeb,c 10 - 30 nm (Typ.)
    ≤30 nm (Max)
    Step Size Adjustabilityd Up to 30%
    Max Step Frequency 2 kHz
    Backlash None
    Max Active Preloade 25 N
    Recommended Max
    Axial Load Capacityf
    2.5 kg (5.5 lbs)
    Speed (Continuous Stepping)b,c
    1.2 - 3.6 mm/min (Typ.)
    ≤3.6 mm/min (Max)
    Drive Screw 1/4"-80 Thread, Hard PVD Coated
    Motor Type Piezoelectric Inertia
    Mounting Feature Ø3/8" (Ø9.525 mm) Barrel
    Operating Temperature 10 to 40 °C (50 to 104 °F)
    Dimensions 3.80" x 1.24" x 0.67”
    (96.6 mm x 31.5 mm x 17.0 mm)
    Cable Length 1.0 m (3.28')
    Connector SMC, Female
    Required Controllerg KIM001 or KIM101
    • Specifications are measured using the KIM101 Piezo Inertia Controller.
    • Individual device performance will vary within this range.
    • While travelling in one direction, each device's step size may vary by up to 20% and is not normally repeatable. Due to the open loop design, component variance, change of direction and application conditions may further increase the scale of the variance. That is for a given set of settings in Kinesis.
    • This can be adjusted by changing the piezo drive voltage - refer to the controller manual for more details.
    • The axial force applied to the drive tip to achieve the specified step size. A minimum of 5 N is recommended to enhance stepping behavior.
    • A higher horizontal load is possible, but it may decrease the typical step size.
    • Controllers are sold separately.
    • Ø3/8" (Ø9.525 mm) Mounting Barrel for Compatibility with Translation Stages
    • Compact Design: 31.5 mm x 17.0 mm (W x H)
    • Manual Adjustment via Knob on Adjuster Screw
    • 125 V Maximum Operating Voltage
    • Also Available in 13 mm and 25 mm Travel Versions
    • Ideal for Set-and-Hold Applications that Require High-Resolution Relative Positioning
    • Control Cable can be Adjusted up to 110° for Space-Constrained Applications

    Thorlabs' PIA50 Piezoelectric Inertia Actuator provides high-resolution linear motion control with a long piezo-controlled translation range in a compact package. It can support loads up to 2.5 kg (5.51 lbs) and preloads up to 25 N with typical step size ranging from 10 nm to 30 nm and no backlash. The step size can be adjusted up to 30% to a maximum of approximately 30 nm using the KIM101 Controller and Kinesis® software. However, due to the open-loop design, piezo hysteresis, and application conditions such as the direction of travel, the achieved step size of the system can vary by up to 20% and is not normally repeatable. An external feedback system will need to be used to overcome this variance.

    This actuator has a Ø3/8" (Ø9.525 mm) barrel that can be mounted in a manual stage that has a Ø3/8" (Ø9.525 mm) mounting clamp. For compatibility with 1/4"-80 or 3/16"-100 threaded mirror mounts see our 10 mm travel piezo inertia actuators. The actuator is self-locking when at rest and when there is no power supplied to the piezo, making the actuator ideal for set-and-hold applications that require nanometer resolution and long-term alignment stability. Manual adjustments can be made using the knob on the adjuster screw, as long as the piezo is not actively translating the screw; the knob is also compatible with 5/64" (2.0 mm) hex keys.

    Powered by a 10 mm long discrete piezo stack, the actuator can operate at speeds of up to 3.6 mm/min. The design of the piezo motor will rotate the tip of the lead screw during translation. For information on the design of our piezo inertia "slip-stick" motor actuators, please see the complete presentation here.

    Required Controller
    A K-Cube Piezo Inertia Controller is required to operate our PIA50 Piezo Inertia Actuator; the actuator cannot be operated using a standard piezo controller. The K-Cube controllers have an internal sawtooth voltage signal generator capable of sending sub-millisecond pulses (steps) with controllable amplitudes from 85 V to 125 V. In addition to a single-channel driver, we offer a four-channel driver capable of single- or dual-channel operation, which is ideal for applications involving multiple motorized actuators, such as beam steering.

    For more information, please see the full web presentation here.

    Required Controller:
    KIM001 or KIM101

    • KIM001: Single-Channel Output
    • KIM101: Four Output Channels, Capable of Multi-Channel Operation
    • Standalone Control via Top Panel or PC-Control via USB
    • Voltage Output from 85 V to 125 V
    Inertia Motor
    Click for Details

    The control cable can be adjusted up to 110° for space-constrained applications.
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    PIA50 Support Documentation
    PIA5050 mm Travel, Piezo Inertia Actuator, Ø3/8" Mounting Barrel
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    Vacuum-Compatible Piezo Inertia Actuator with 50 mm Travel

    Item #a PIA50VF
    Travel 50 mm (1.97")
    Step Sizeb,c 10 - 30 nm (Typ.)
    ≤30 nm (Max)
    Step Size Adjustabilityd ≤30%
    Max Step Frequency 2 kHz
    Backlash None
    Max Active Preloade 25 N
    Recommended Max
    Axial Load Capacityf
    2.5 kg (5.5 lbs)
    Speed (Continuous Stepping)b,c
    1.2 - 3.6 mm/min (Typ.)
    ≤3.6 mm/min (Max)
    Drive Screw 1/4"-80 Thread, Hard PVD Coated
    Motor Type Piezoelectric Inertia
    Mounting Featureg
    Ø3/8" (Ø9.525 mm) Barrel
    (3/8"-40 Thread with Lock Nut)
    Vacuum Rating 10-6 Torr
    Operating Temperature 5 to 40 °C
    Max Bakeout Temperature 130 °C
    Dimensions 97.0 mm x 31.5 mm x 17.0 mm
    (3.82" x 1.24" x 0.67")
    Mass (Including Cable) 65 g (2.29 oz)
    Cable Length 0.75 m (2.46 ft) Flying Lead for Vacuum,
    1.0 m (3.3 ft) Cored Cable for
    Wiring Outside Chamber
    Connector SMC Female
    Required Controllerh KIM001 or KIM101
    • Specifications are measured using the KIM101 Piezo Inertia Controller.
    • Individual device performance will vary within this range.
    • While travelling in one direction, each device's step size may vary by up to 20% and is not normally repeatable. Due to the open loop design, component variance, change of direction and application conditions may further increase the scale of the variance. That is for a given set of settings in Kinesis.
    • This can be adjusted by changing the piezo drive voltage - refer to the controller manual for more details.
    • The axial force applied to the drive tip to achieve the specified step size. A minimum of 5 N is recommended to enhance stepping behavior.
    • A higher horizontal load is possible, but it may decrease the typical step size.
    • To order vacuum-compatible versions of our translation stages, please contact Tech Sales.
    • Controllers are sold separately.
    • Compact Design: 31.5 mm x 17.0 mm (W x H)
    • Manual Adjustment via Knob on Adjuster Screw
    • Rated Down to 10-6 Torr
    • 125 V Maximum Operating Voltage
    • Ø3/8" (Ø9.525 mm) Mounting Barrel for Compatibility with Translation Stages
    • Ideal for Set-and-Hold Applications that Require High-Resolution Relative Positioning
    • Also Available in 13 mm and 25 mm Travel Versions

    Thorlabs' PIA50VF Vacuum-Compatible Piezoelectric Inertia Actuator is rated down to 10-6 Torr operation and provides high-resolution linear motion control with a long piezo-controlled translation range in a compact, vacuum-compatible package. It can support loads up to 2.5 kg and preloads up to 25 N with typical movements of 20 nm and no backlash. The step size can be adjusted up to 30% to a maximum of approximately 30 nm using the KIM101 Controller and Kinesis® software. However, due to the open-loop design, piezo hysteresis, and application conditions such as the direction of travel, the achieved step size of the system can vary by up to 20% and is not normally repeatable. An external feedback system will need to be used to overcome this variance.

    This actuator has a Ø3/8" (Ø9.525 mm) barrel that can be mounted in a manual stage that has a Ø3/8"(Ø9.525 mm) mounting clamp. For compatibility with 1/4"-100 threaded mirror mounts see our 10 mm travel piezo inertia actuators. The actuator is self-locking when at rest and when there is no power supplied to the piezo, making the actuator ideal for set-and-hold applications that require nanometer resolution and long-term alignment stability. Manual adjustments can be made using the knob on the adjuster screw, as long as the piezo is not actively translating the screw; the knob is also compatible with 5/64" (2.0 mm) hex keys.

    Each actuator has an integrated 0.75 m flying lead, plus 1.0 m of cored cable for wiring outside the vacuum chamber. The flying leads and cored cable lengths can be cut down as needed, but the total length (inside and outside) should not exceed 2.0 m. As shown in the image below, the flying lead for each actuator can be rotated up to 110° for space-constrained applications.

    Powered by a 10 mm long discrete piezo stack, the actuator can operate at speeds of up to 3.6 mm/minute. The design of the piezo motor will rotate the tip of the lead screw during translation. For information on the design of this piezo inertia "slip-stick" motor actuator, please see the complete presentation here.

    Required Controller
    A KIM001 or KIM101 controller is required to operate our PIA13VF Piezo Inertia Actuator; the actuator cannot be operated using a standard piezo controller. These drivers have an internal sawtooth voltage signal generator capable of sending sub-millisecond pulses (steps) with controllable amplitudes from 85 V to 125 V. The KIM001 and KIM101 controllers offer one and four output channels, respectively.

    For more information, please see the full web presentation here.

    Required Controller:
    KIM001 or KIM101

    • KIM001: Single-Channel Output
    • KIM101: Four Output Channels, Capable of Multi-Channel Operation
    • Standalone Control via Top Panel or PC Control via USB
    • Voltage Output from 85 V to 125 V
    Inertia Motor
    Click for Details

    The flying lead can be adjusted up to 110° for space-constrained applications.
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    +1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
    PIA50VF Support Documentation
    PIA50VF50 mm Travel, Vacuum-Compatible Piezo Inertia Actuator, Ø3/8" Mounting Barrel
    Lead Time
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    Re-Greasing Kit

    • 1.5 cc Syringe of Apiezon 100 Grease
    • Convenient, Inexpensive Package that Reduces Waste
    • Prolongs Lifetime of Actuator
    • Ready to Dispense
    • Vacuum Compatible to 10-9 Torr

    This Apiezon grease has excellent anti-seize properties. It contains PTFE for maximum lubricity and is ideal for re-lubricating the lead screw threads of our ZST, ZFS, and Z9 series actuators. It is supplied in a syringe for easy application and is recommended both for general use and for vacuum applications down to 10-9 Torr. It has an optimal working range of 10 to 30 °C (50 to 86 °F).

    Note: It is recommended that the lead screw and end ball of the Z9, ZFS, and ZST actuators are lubricated every 10 000 cycles or whenever a squeaking noise is heard during motion.

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    +1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
    GKZ8 Support Documentation
    GKZ8Grease Kit for Z9, ZFS, and ZST Actuators
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    Stepper and DC Servo Drive Cables

    Thorlabs' DRV, ZST, and ZFS Stepper Motor Actuators, as well as our Z9 DC Servo Motor Actuators, come with cables for connecting to the required controllers. Thorlabs also offers separate cables that may be used as extension cables.

    Stepper Motor Cables
    Thorlabs offers a variety of cables to support several stepper motor actuator and controller combinations. Supported stepper motors include our ZST, ZFS, and DRV actuators; supported controllers include our BSC benchtop controllers, our KST201 K-Cube™ Controller, and our MST602 Rack Control Module. In order to see which cable is compatible with a given combination of stepper motor and controller, please see the table below. The pin assignment for each cable is given in the full web presentation here. Please note that these cables cannot be used with motors and controllers that do not match their pin assignment, even if the connectors are the same.

    DC Motor Cables
    The PAA632 is a 2.5 m cable for our Z9 series of DC motor actuators. This cable is intended to be used with the KDC101 K-Cube DC Servo Motor Controller. The pin assignment for this cable is given in the full web presentation here. Although it uses a 15-pin connector, this cable is not compatible with any of our stepper motors.

    KST201 K-Cube Controller BSC Benchtop Controller and
    MST602 Rack Controller
    KDC101 K-Cube Controllera
    PAA614 (1 m) - -
    ZST and ZFS Stepper Motor Actuator
    PAA614 (1 m)b PAA612 (1 m) or
    PAA613 (3 m)
    DRV Series Stepper Motor Actuatorb
    - - PAA632 (2.5 m)
    Z9 DC Servo Motor Actuator
    • Green shading indicates hardware for DC servo motors.
    • The KST201 K-Cube Controller can be used to drive our DRV225 or DRV250 Stepper Motor Actuators at reduced speed; it is not compatible with the DRV208 actuator.
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    +1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
    PAA612 Support Documentation
    PAA612Stepper Motor Cable, DA15 Male to DE15 Female, 1 m
    PAA613 Support Documentation
    PAA613Stepper Motor Cable, DA15 Male to DE15 Female, 3 m
    PAA614 Support Documentation
    PAA614Customer Inspired! Stepper Motor Cable, DE15 Male to DE15 Female, 1 m
    3 Weeks
    PAA632 Support Documentation
    PAA632DC Servo Motor Cable for Z9 Motors, DE15 Male to DE15 Female, 2.5 m