Lens Specifications
355110-1064Auto CAD PDFAuto CAD DXFSolidworkseDrawingStepZemax (ZAR)Zemax (ZMX)

Vd number40.73
CTE (10-6 / °C)6.9
Thermo optic coefficient (10-6 / °C) (Δn/ΔT)6.5

Side 1 and Side 2 are labeled as ASP1 and ASP2, respectively, on the drawings shown on the Specifications tab.
zSAG as a Function of YA44th Order Aspheric Coefficient
RRadius of CurvatureA66th Order Aspheric Coefficient
kConic ConstantA88th Order Aspheric Coefficient
A22nd Order Aspheric CoefficientAnnth Order Aspheric Coefficient